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It had taken a lot of hard work to clean up the mess that the catpaw guy had made. Special cleaning services were hired to do the job as my father was determined not to let the information leak into the CIA. All of us had our lips sealed and for obvious reasons, even though dad was unaware of the little letter I'd recieved, he wanted to secure our house as much as we could. For some reason, the man believed that the catpaw guy or lady would come after us soon.

"Do you want some more?" Mom asked, holding out a spoon full of curry towards Hyun Woo's plate. He only smiled before nodding shyly making her chuckle and basically pour more onto the rice.

Today's dinner guests were Haasa, Hyun, Jihyun and a new man I'd never met before. The stranger was apparently once an intern who worked under my father and now a prominent member of state security. The man was tall, well built and his skin was of lighter complexion than my own. Eyes a deep shade of blue as he looked up at me across the table making me slightly uneasy. I smiled anyway, before flexing my neck to look elsewhere. Dad munched on a piece of vegetable quietly as Haasa and Hyun exchanged sneaky looks at each other, trying to remain stealthy but failing miserably. Jihyun was just being Jihyun.

"Jihyun-ah, you aren't eating anything!" My mother complained before serving the fifth big lump of rice and some curd, making him watch her with wide eyes.

The scenario somewhat made me wish Taehyung was here. I hoped he'd blend in with the rest of them and I could watch mum force feed him till his little tummy would explode but, with all that had happened recently, I ended up questioning my own feelings for him.

"It won't go into your mouth on its own" dad made a sassy comment as he watched me stare at my plate for a few seconds. I snapped out of the daze and ate the rest of my food with a small smile on my face.

Once the dinner was all done, it was time to allot places for all the guests we had. The guest room was already taken by Haasa and we only had the store room other than that. A small room next to mine was basically used as the study area, but now, that's where the stranger would sleep, we decided.

I watched my father as he stood in the middle of the living room, "do you men mind sleeping on the couch or the floor?" he asked easily, making my mother frown a little.

"No, sir!" Both Hyun and Jihyun answered together before giving each other a look of disgust. Those two never got along with each other for some weird reason. They were one of those few people who you'd have never witnessed talking to one other.

I laughed as we supplied pillows and blankets to the two of them, "all the best, kids!" I winked before heading up to my room.

The cushion of my bed was soft against my back and when I unplugged my phone from the charger near the night stand, I noticed that there were around fourteen missed calls, all from V.

Sighing, I placed the device next to me setting an alarm. I had to keep my distance from him for a while and clear my mind. Turning over to my side, I pushed the ear plugs into my ear, letting the music flow in, the volume at the minimum, enough to cradle me to sleep. So far, this was the best part of the day.

Best part, or so I thought.

I was drifting off to sleep, so gone but awake enough to hear the knock on my door. Groaning, I detached the buds from my ear and tossed them aside. Turning over to the other side, I assumed I'd hallucinated until I heard a second knock. Jumping off my bed with annoyance, I rushed to the door. I had a sick feeling it'd be Jihyun for some reason and was very much prepared to punch him for being a pain.

But when I yanked the door open, it was the same stranger from earlier, standing tall like Frankenstein's monster's cover picture. Swallowing the little saliva that coated my tongue, I tried to be polite, "Need anything?".

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