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"Where are you having lunch?" Mum asked.

I pressed the phone to my ear, keeping it there by tilting my head to the side, "dont know".

She audibly sighed and I smiled at her reaction, "Come home" She ordered at once and I hummed. I could go back home for lunch and get back to office, I had plenty of time in my hands today, "dont tell dad though" I reminded. He wouldn't want me sneaking out during work, "you know I won't" She assured.

While on the way home, I checked my schedule for the day. 'Day 2: pillow talk' , it read. I swallowed in excitement and nervousness. I hoped to get a clearer image of Taehyung's life today and have a few questions answered as well.

"What took you so long?" Mum mumbled under her breath as she opened the door with floury hands and a stained apron. Her hair pulled back and tied in a bun reminded me of her -opening the door for me when I was a child who'd come home after a long day at school.

"Daegu traffic" I pouted, slipping out of my shoes and jogging quickly towards the washroom to clean up, subtly avoiding her glare.

"Grab a plate" She ordered and I followed, until I was well seated at the dining table and was almost half way through the delicious lunch that she'd cooked until she decided to bring up a slightly sensitive topic, "how's Taehyung?".

"Maa.." I looked around as a reflex, "dad shouldn't know about this" I spoke.

"You're doing a lot of things behind your father's back these days, aren't you?" She commented, serving some rice into my plate, "you weren't like this before".

"I would do him no harm..you know that" I mumbled.

"What else are you not telling him, Ji? Please tell me this is all that you're hiding" She looked up into my eyes and I swallowed, thinking about turning a blind eye to Taehyung's activities for an entire month, slowly getting to know his members, spending everyday with him-- and I shook my head, "There's nothing".

"Good" She smiled, "I just hope your father accepts Taehyung".

Oh mum! She had no idea about who he was and the things he could do.All she knew was that he was a rich, handsome kid, born and brought up in a decent family and he was the one who helped her get out of the persistent vegetative state she was in. She knew nothing more. I couldn't imagine her reaction if she found out about Taehyung being a criminal, an underground Don, always having things done illegally and what not?. She would definitely break at the realization that her daughter was dating someone whose job is to destroy and go against everything her family stands up for.

After seconds of pause, "Me too" I smiled back, reaching out to place my hand on hers for much needed comfort.


On my way to Taehyung's that night, I asked Hyun Woo to drop me two blocks away from the original location where I was supposed to meet Tae.

"Is your friend meeting you here?" He furrowed his brows looking around the place.

"Yeah" I answered calmly, with an unnecessary smile on my face.

"You sure this place is safe?" Hyun asked as he gripped the wheel and looked straight at me.

"Yep! Don't worry" I smiled before jumping out of the jeep, pants doing very little in shielding my legs from the cold breeze.

"I'll wait for you?" He stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"No, I'm fine. Go home, it's late already" I assured the younger boy.

"Uh-" he looked down at his lap, refusing to leave.

I sighed at how concerned Hyun was, but Taehyung would arrive any moment and I didnt want to get caught in the act. "Haasa is waiting for you" I winked, "I'll be safe. I'm your superior, remember? I was trained for all this" I reasoned.

"Umm, okay" he nodded before reluctantly shifting the gears, "call me if anything" he said before driving away.

I waited till the car disappeared from my sight before deciding to walk over to the actual location.
My slow steps turned into quick ones full of excitement when I noticed that he had invited me to a coffee shop.

On entering, the bell above went ding! To my surprise, the shop wasn't deserted. I had no idea there were people who preferred coffee at night. Looking around, I tried to find Taehyung at the tables but failed to do so. Sighing, I walked upto the counter and called for the barista. "Excuse me"

The moment he turned, my heart stopped and skipping a beat before resuming. "Fuck" I cursed under my breath at the sight and the man only raised a brow.

"What would you like to have, miss?" He smirked and I almost died on the inside. Climbing onto the stool and sitting there on the edge of the long counter, leaning back against the wall, I smiled at him, "anything".

Taehyung was the barista and it was a little too much of a beautiful sight for my poor heart to handle. A well tailored black and blue suit, his hair - a shade of silver and blonde, slightly ruffled yet tamed. A scarf around his neck did a good job at hiding any hint of skin showing. To top it all off, a pair of circular, black rimmed round glasses adorned his eyes as he looked at me through them.

 To top it all off, a pair of circular, black rimmed round glasses adorned his eyes as he looked at me through them

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"Hot or cold?" The man raised a brow and I quickly answered without wasting a second, "hot!".

It wasn't until I had sipped away half the coffee that I spoke normally. "This is new" I said, blushing at nothing.

"I know. Do you like it?" He grinned and I nodded thrice, eliciting a deep chuckle from Taehyung as he leaned across the counter to watch me take a sip, like a bartender flirting with a drunk woman, except that we weren't in a bar, he wasn't a bar tender and I wasn't drunk, but kinda felt like I was.

"You're overdressed for a barista. Attracts attention and suspicion" I shrugged, throwing a comment at him.

"They all are my men" he said, pointing at all the people who were seated in the shop, sipping on their drinks, "and women" he added and I raised a brow at ladies who were all well dressed.

"Your women?" I stared at him and he only inched closer, "they only work for me" he smiled.

"Hmm" I hummed before taking another sip of the heavenly coffee that he'd prepared.

"Why coffee, though?" I popped another question making him smile in some kind of affection.

"I don't want you to fall asleep in the middle of the talk tonight" he said. Wow, Tae! How thoughtful? How would I fall asleep if he stood before me looking like a God? Little does he know how much 'him being him' affected me. It was almost frustrating.

"You don't want coffee?" I raised a brow, subtly switching topics, sticking my tongue out to collect the cream that coated my lips, immediately drawing his attention to the spot.

Taehyung licked his own lips in response, sneakily biting it before he took a deep breath and looked up at my eyes, "No".

I placed the coffee cup down on the counter between us, holding it in both my hands, letting the warmth seep into my skin, "Why not?", I leaned in close.

"I don't need caffeine to keep me up at night, when I have you" he smirked.


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