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"Taehyung we need to talk" I dragged him all the way to the living room to point at the gift box and the little note inside. His eyes narrowed at the sight before he pulled his phone out to click a picture and soon asked one of his men to get rid of the material.

"Let's talk about this" he nodded before walking me to his office. I couldn't be happier to have Taehyung back to his normal sensible self. It'd make shit easier to deal with.

The walk was not so short and when the man shut the door to his office behind his back once we were in, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the room. It was huge and it was all brown, white and expensive.

The dark wooden table and the white leather chair with a furry shawl hanging off of it were the show pieces of the room. There were white roses in a beautiful porcelain vase on his table to the side while on the other end, there was a picture, of seven boys, including Taehyung. When I took a seat across him, I gawked at the handsome features of every single one of the boys and couldn't wait to meet them in person.

"Ahem" the man cleared his throat with a smirk on his face and I straightened up to face him.

"There's a lot I need to tell you" he confessed and I nodded understandingly, '' me too"

"I did recieve a similar package a few weeks ago" he swiped over his phone a few times to push it towards me, showing a picture of another dead cat's paw, disturbingly bloody and ugly, but there was no note.

"This time, this thing is addressed to you, and whoever is doing this, knows you're here" he sighed before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

"Name everyone you think might know about your whereabouts "

Clearing my throat, I leaned in closer, "actually, I'm undercover on a mission"

His eyes shot up to meet mine and I sighed in frustration, "The CIA put me on this, Tae. My job is to deliver all the information out to them and ultimately rat you out"

He sat up straight to observe me for a few seconds, "go on.."

"Which I will not do. I'm on your side" I reached out to place my hand on his but he wouldn't reciprocate the affection.

"The CIA know you're here?"

"They do"

"Do you have a mic or a tracker on you right now?"

"No, but they'll probably put one on me soon. If that happens, we can't talk about it" I cupped my own face, "hell, we can't talk about anything "

"Why would you agree to this, Ji? What is wrong with you?" His brows were furrowed as his lips pursed up.

"They threatened me, Taehyung!" I justified, "they'd harm everyone I know"

"The break up was real then? You're back only because the CIA put you on this?" His voice was venom.

"No! I mean, I forced myself to break up with you. After you left that day, dad was very upset with me" I tried to reason, "I didn't want to hurt him. I love him more than I love myself, Tae. So, I had to stop doing what I was doing and that happened to be dating you".

His eyes were piercing mine at this point and I tried to get out as much as I could out of me. "I never wanted to leave you. I've always liked you, you know that! The CIA then called me in, handed me this mission and-"

"-and that is why you're back here, faking a relationship" he shook his head,"What's your status? How much have you told them?" Taehyung's fingers curled against the thick wood below and the question was like a blade to my heart.

"Nothing.." I muttered, not believing the fact that he thought I'd betray him, "Tae, I would never-"

"Give me a list of everybody fueling your mission" the man positioned his pen onto the paper, completely disregarding my feelings and it made my chest tighten.I had to swallow the lump forming in my throat as I answered, "The director, Agent Nancy, Agent Lee, Agent Kiyong, Agent- " I named whoever were assigned to keep an eye on me, "my parents do know I'm undercover but they don't  know I'm onto you so.."

"That is all?"

"And Jackson" I sighed. Totally there were about thirteen people as per my knowledge who were aware of my location.

"Who's Jackson?"

"He's a friend and a co-worker. I trust him" I said, trying to ease the atmosphere but Taehyung just wouldn't budge.

"Thank you" he ripped the paper from the book to fold it into half before he stuffed it into his jacket.

When he got out of his chair, I almost chased after him, "Tae, where are you going?"


"You can't! They will follow you " I placed a hand on his shoulder and he was quick to swat it away, "Don't!" And that was it. That was the trigger I needed, the final push.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled, yanking at his collar, making the man turn around and face me. "I've told you everything! This mission wasn't a choice, it was forced onto me" I took in a shallow breath, "I need you with me. I can't-" and my voice cracked. I did not want to look vulnerable, I did not want to cry but my body would no longer co-operate, "I can't do this alone, Tae, please.." I held onto him with both hands, "please trust me".

"I do" he closed his eyes for a brief moment, leaning against the wall behind him, "I shouldn't, but I do"


"My life is a mess, Ji Yeon. Let me deal with it on my own. You're only making things worse" he pulled himself away, before walking out of the door, leaving it to close on its own behind him.

At this point, the anger boiling inside was evaporating and condensing back into sadness and pain. Following him out, I tugged at his arm again. He was being stupid and reckless. I didn't care how rude he could be, I had to hold my ground, for both of us.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you walk out of this house"

"This is my house!" He snapped, turning around to grab my wrist so tight, it'd leave a bruise, "I do whatever I want! You've contributed enough. I want you out of this " he looked around himself, refusing to meet my eyes, "I want you out of my house and my life, just-" he closed his eyes shut, "leave".

If I was hurt before, now I was broken. "Don't do this" I bit my lip. He wasn't serious, right? He's only trying to protect me, no?

My words only seemed to push him further because the next thing i knew, he pushed me away before rushing towards the door and out, "leave before I come back home". I could only stand rooted to the spot, letting my tears brim up before they rolled down my cheeks. The maids in his house were decent enough to stay indoors and not peek out at my devastated state and I was thankful.

The sound of engine revving filled my ears as the man drove away on his own. 'Leave before I come back home?' No! I stubbornly wiped my tears away before making my way to his bedroom, craving for some form of comfort. Tucking myself under the heavy sheets, I took deep breaths to calm my wrecked heart down. "It was going to be okay. We were going to be fine".


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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