lev haiba:tall-ass-tree

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"(Y/n)-chan you really eat so much but don't gain weight?"
Yaku asked.

"Yup!I have a really fast metabolism I can eat so much without getting fat!" You said proudly, while swallowing a burger whole.

"You mean,without getting tall too,right?!" Lev said,with his energetic voice.

"Ohoho." You smirked as you kick lev's butt with a following high kick and when he fell down,you smirked.

"Today it's blue,huh..." Lev said,Still beaten up,laying on the ground.

It took time to process what he meant,as soon as you got it you blushed and stepped on his face.

"Why the heck do you always say that!" You said,as you throw him.

"KUROO-SAN SAVE MEEEEEEE!" he yelled,before he rest in peace.

"Nope." Kuroo said,plainly.

Every damn time during breaks Lev would pat your head and give you a milk,probably from a vending machine.

And would always say this line,"take time to grow" and smile.

And you would always,always kick his ass.

But everytime he pats you,you feel comfy,fluffy,and happy,you find it calming.

But he was just so much of a dense and would always ruin your happiness.


But today was a little different, no milks,no insults,no tall-big-ass tree,no Russian, nothing.

Before you knew it.You searched everywhere for him.

Until,you found him.

With a girl.

'A confession maybe?'

"I like you!" A really cute girl said to the half-russian.

'Oh,she's cute,Lev will definitely be happy with this girlfriend.and..plus...she's tall...they suit each other' while thinking of that,you were actually lonely.You're mostly insulted by Lev but being with him is fun.you're... Jealous.

"Oh...um" Lev started to speak

"I like someone else." Lev said.

'You idiot!you wasted a hot chick!'you thought, but then,you're happy inside.

"She's..." Lev continued to speak again.

"She's violent,she's short,clumsy,always kicks me,she would always be mad,she's not that smart,not that beautiful yup,she's that kind of person."
Lev said.

'What the heck your taste sucks,Lev' you thought.

"Despite all that you still like her?" The girl said

"It's because of that,that's why I like her." Lev said,and smiled.
"She's mean,and violent but she would always buy me water during practice without anyone knowing it,I just happened to see her,when I became injured because of my stupidity she brags about me being stupid,but still treated my wound,she would leave lunch on my desk when she noticed that I always just drinks juice or buy a bread.she's that nice,not just with me but with everyone.Before,I knew it I'm always watching her kindness even if no one knows that its her,it would be me alone,it's like our secret,something we're connected but yeah, I came to like her." Lev was smiling,during the time he was telling all that,

"Then,I can leave all to that girl," the girl who just confessed said and left.

While Lev saw you,he panicked.

"Um...i- uh um" Lev panicked.

"Since you heard that all,can you give me an answer?" Lev said.

"What?" You asked,tilting your head.

"Well,I just said I like you..." Lev said,

"Oh......WAIT-WHAT???" you were SHOOKT(a/n:forgive me I can't help it)

"Well,I said,I like you,I even described you." Lev said,chuckling.

'Oh my god.'

"(Y/n)-chan I like you...please go out with me." Lrv said,blushing.

"If you ever cheat, you'll gonna be 97.3cm because I'll cut you in half.so I take double glory." You said.

"I-um...okay." Lev said,quite scared.

"I like you,too." You said smiling.

Lev jumped out of happiness and said,"I like you so much.

"And you need to pat me every single time." You said.

"Ohhhh you love that?"Lev chuckled.

You blushed," shut up."

"Ehehehe" Lev chuckled

And he patted you.

You blushed and smiled.

"My shorty girlfriend is so cute!"
He said laughing,patting your head.

'My big-ass-tree boyfriend is so stupid' you thought and you smiled.

'But that's why I like him.'

Haikyuu!! x reader ~Loving these dorks~(One Shot) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now