Chapter 1

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"Zoe!" Shouted mom downstairs. "Yea?" Shouted I back. "They are on the airport soon! Do you want to join me and pick them up?" She asked. "No" Answered I. "Okey" Could I hear she said before the door smelt.

Okey, I know I should have join her, but actually I have visit! My boyfriend, Joseph. My mom didn't know he was here, but he's probably leaving as soon as they come.

"When are you leaving, Joseph?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Uhm, I don't know!" He answered. I laughed and throws a pillow at him. "Auch"


I heard a car arrive in front of my house. Probably my mom and the others!

"Joseph, I think you need to leave now" I said to him and sighed a bit. He sighed too, and before he left, he gave me a long kiss on my lips! Aww, how sweet!

"Zoe! They are here!" My mom shouted downstairs. I sighed, and got down.

Immediately when I got down, my eyes met these beautiful eyes! No! What are you thinking, Zoe? You have a boyfriend! And that boy is probably going to be your stepbrother soon! Ew...

I walked up next to my mom. "Say hi to my boyfriend, Kjell-Erik, his lovely daughter, Emma, and his beautiful two sons, Marcus & Martinus!" Hmm.. Marcus & Martinus.. That's sounds really familiar!!.. Well, I don't know!

"Hey, I'm Zoe" I said and greeted all of the new people. Everyone said their name, and after that, we went into the kitchen.

"So, you're guys hungry?" Mom asked and looked at all of us. I shrugged. I had actually eaten for some few hours ago. But our guest nodded. So I guess I'll just have to eat with them.

"Good! I made some tacos before I picked you up! Zoe? Can you get some dishes and glasses?" I nod and did as she said.

I was just about to turn around to the other side, so I could set the dishes on the table. But then I tripped! I was just about to fall, but then someone saved me! I looked up and met these same beautiful eyes.. It was Martinus! Or?.. Was it Marcus? Uhm, I don't really remember!

Shit. I immediately got up when I realized everyone was staring at us! Gad.. That was awkward! But he is kinda cute.. Omg! Shut up!!


I was doing my homework in my room. Suddenly the door got open. Marcus or Martinus got into the room. Ugh, I need to learn the difference!

"Hey?" I said more as a question. He smiled shyly. "Hey" He said back.

"What are you doing here?" He gave me a weird look. "What??" Said I and laughed a bit.

"Well, that was naughty!" He said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Shit, is that muscle I see on his arms?! Gaad! What's going on with me?

"Why?" I asked. Was I really naughty?? Lol, I don't know!

"You asked me what I was doing here in I naughty tone!" He said and couldn't help, but smile. I laughed, and throw a pillow at him.

"Oh, shut up!" I said. And then we both ended up laughing in a long while!

Suddenly this person came and interrupted us.

"Umm.. Zoe? Who is this?"


554 words✔️

Yey! My first story this year;) Hahah!

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