Chapter 27

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They kissed. I had to look at Marcus. His reaction was just like mine. Both of us with our mouths open. Our eyes met. I turn away quickly.

"Uhm.. Congratulations!" I say to them. They smile wide, and couldn't stop. "Thanks, hun" mom says and kisses me on my cheek. "So.. Uhm.. When is it happening?" Marcus asked from the other side of the table. Kjell looked first at us then at my mom. "I was thinking.. We could stay here another week, and then we can get married here, in Norway!" He says excited. My mom look surprised at Kjell. "What? So early? But.." "Yea, I know it's really early, but you said it yourself, you want to get married here, right?" Kjell says with a huge smile. Mom smile wide and kisses Kjell.

Omg. They're really getting married.

~1 week later~
So, everything's ready, and my mom is ready, and probably Kjell, or my new stepdad actually,
is ready. I still can't believe it's happening. It's really happening TODAY.

Oh gosh, what's gonna happen with me and Marcus? Are we gonna pretend like it was nothing. We just thought we were in love. But.. Honestly, I still love him. I really do. How can I live with him without kissing him and date him and.. ughh!! Life sucks.

And just when I was thinking of him, he was suddenly in front of me. From nowhere. "Hey" He says with a nervous voice. "Uhm, hey?" I say and bite my lips while I look down. "Are you okey? Uhh, I mean, with this?" He asks, and I know exactly what he means. I sigh. "Honestly... No. How about you?" He sighs too, and stroke away his hair from his eyes. "No. You know.. It's gonna be hard for me to not kiss you" I smirk. He's so damn cute!! "Oh, Marcus" I say chuckling. He smiles at me.

I look from side to side. No one's here. You can do this, Zoe. "So, one last kiss, okey?" Marcus nods smiling wide. I lean him, the same does he. Our lips connects. I've never felt something more amazing. But sadly, it was the last kiss from him.

"Marcus! Zoe! We're starting soon!!" Oh, Martinus. Why did you have to ruin our moment? But Martinus didn't care at all. He just walks out as fast as he came.

"So, I guess were just.. friends, then?" I asks with a little sigh. I can see his disappointment, but he puts on a little smile. "Yea, just friends"
We walk into the church, and the wedding is just about to start.

Well well, Marcus Gunnarsen. I guess it's never gonna be us.


450 words✔️

yup, that's the story! What did you think about it? Comment something;)

So, another book is coming. But I haven't started at all. And I have to do the covers and all. So.. It can take w little while. But I will update when the book is out;)

(Of course is a mm-fanfiction)


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