Chapter 26

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Me and Marcus looks confused and scared at each other. What the fuck?

"What? Dad, why?" Marcus says and walks towards his dad. Kjell looks disappointed at him and sighs. "Kids, you know me and your mom is dating, and soon we're getting married, right, Elizabeth?" My mom nods, and continues "So, since you two are our children, you're gonna be siblings, and siblings don't date each other"

I couldn't even look at Marcus anymore. And I couldn't even look at my mom. So, I started running. Running far, far away. "Zoe!!" I heard them shouted behind me, before I was gone.

~5 hours later~
So, it's been hours. I haven't seen or talked to mom, Marcus, Kjell or anyone else. It's just me and my thoughts.

I'm at the hotel, but not inside the building. I'm standing behind the building. I don't know where the others is. Probably inside the hotel. Suddenly my thoughts gets interrupted by a voice. "Zoe" he says. I quickly hug him. It was a long hug. And he smells good..

"We can still be together, right?" He says nervously. I look him serious in the eyes. "Marcus.. You heard them" I say and stroke a bit of his hair behind his ear. Damn, it was so soft.

He looks hurt at me, and sighs. "Yea.. Sorry" he says and starts walking away. I didn't follow him. He probably needs some time alone.

~2 weeks later~
So, me and Marcus have kinda 'ignored' each other. Like, we just talk when we have to, but we never hang out or something anymore. And.. That's really killing me. I hate that we don't talk anymore. I hate that we don't laugh together anymore! Why couldn't it just go back to normal? Like, when we were just friends. But it can't.

It was dinner time, and we all sat in a fancy restaurant in Oslo, eating. Yea, we're still in Norway. But we're actually leaving tomorrow. I gotta admit something. I actually gonna miss this place.. I mean, it's so beautiful! Now I know why they wanted to go here.

"So, kids, you're all going to school in two days. Excited?" Wait. School! My eyes almost popped out when I heard that word. Damn.. That 'school' always ruins my day.

"Oh.. Nah, not at all" I answer and take a bite of my beef. Kjell and mom laughs. "Why?" They ask, and all of the kids looks at them serious. They laugh and continue eating.

After a while eating, Kjell drops something at the floor. He goes down on one knee to get it. And all of a sudden he is standing there with a ring in a box. Shit. He isn't actually doing it?...

He looks at my mom, and my mom is really shocked. "Elizabeth Danaz Jones, will you make me the most happiest man ever, and marry me?"


486 words✔️

Dun dun duuuun...
What's happening now?:O

(oml, I've been so busy with school and stuffs! I'm so sorryyy! I try my best<3)


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