Chapter 18

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I got up from the chair.

No. I can't do this.

"Sorry" then I left.

Ughhhhh.. Poor Marcus! He doesn't deserve this.. Why am I so mean? Great, now he probably gonna think that I'm just fake or whatever! Nice job, Zoe!...

~next day~
It was a really weird morning this day.. First of all, Marcus didn't say a word. Second of all, Martinus was gone. And, well, that was all. But it kinda worries me that Marcus is completely silent. Oh no, I had probably hurt him last night..

Today it's Friday. Finally the weekend. After the breakfast me, Emma, Marcus, Kjell-Erik and mom sat in the living room watching something on the television. But I have to talk to Marcus alone.

"Oh, Marcus? Can you help me with something upstairs?" I said, and felt everyone's eyes looking at me. Marcus sighed loud. "No. Ask your mother" he said. I rolled my eyes at him. Wow, boys these days...

"Marcus! Get up and help dear Zoe here" his dad yelled at him. Marcus sighed louder and rolled his eyes, but got up from the couch. Both of us went upstairs.

"I know you don't need my help" he mumbled when we got into my room. I sighed. "Wow, you're psychic" Marcus rolled his eyes, and I sat down at my bed while Marcus stood there.
"I'm sorry, Marcus" I said, and I could tell I was just getting him more annoyed. But I could also tell he was hurt inside. "Sorry? For what, Zoe! Just say you like me, and then I leave you! How would you feel?" I couldn't face him now. Well, I haven't really thought about that.. So I didn't say a word. He just want to 'win' this thing. He wants to hurt me too.

"Marcus.." "Don't say my name! And I don't even want to hear your voice! Just.. Leave" I got up from my bed. Oh. "Wait, this is my room" I said and sat down at my bed again. Marcus sighed loud and stepped specifically out.

Damn it!


Some hours later, I FaceTime with my best friend friend, Kate. And surprise, there was Marcus' dear brother, Martinus. "Hiii. And hello, Martinus! We got kinda worried about you" Well, that was kinda a lie. "Wow, Zoe! Why can't I believe you?" Martinus said. I chuckled.

"Kate. I was going to talk to you, aloneee" both of them sighed, and soon Martinus was gone on his way home actually. "He is soo cute!!" Kate told me and couldn't stop smiling. I sighed. "I didn't call you to talk about Martinus" Kate looked a bit confused. Wow.
"You know, I kinda have a life too" I told her. She laughed. "Ops, Sorry! Sometimes I kinda forget that.." I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled. "Okey gurl! What is going on with your life then? Oh wait! Let me guess!! Marcus, right?!" I had to sigh just of hearing his name. "Yup"

~next day~
Everyone, also, me, mom and the Gunnarsen family was gathered together around the kitchen table. Mom and Kjell-Erik was very happy. None of us kids did know why.

"Okey, kids.. All of you are probably wondering why we are so happy now..." all of us nodded. "Well, me and Kjell-Erik have figured it out that we are.." Kjell-Erik continues "Going on a trip to Norway!" I looked at mom with my 'seriously?' look. She ignored me, and smiled as big as before. I sighed and looked at the boys. They were so happy! Hello, what about me? It's probably freezing there!!

Suddenly some eyes met mine. Marcus. Holy shit, so beautiful eyes! No, Zoe. Look away. But I can't. Well, I didn't have to. Because Marcus was faster than me. Ohh, he really do hate me!

630 words✔️




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