Chapter 21

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~Mac POV~
HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE F... DID THESE FUCKINGS GIRLS JUST BEAT UP ZOE?! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at the girls. They just looked so 'innocent' and acted like nothing happened. "What do you mean, Macii?" Some of them said. I rolled my eyes at them. "Omg.. Get a life!" I said before I lifted Zoe up in a bridal style, and walked away with Martinus behind me.

"But.. we just wanted some pictures with you!" A girl shouted behind us. This time Martinus answered. "And you won't get any!" I gave Martinus a hive five, but held Zoe close to me. "Can you call the ambulance?" I asked him. He nod, and grab his phone.


Some few minutes later the ambulance came. They took Zoe on a trail. She has a lot of bruises everywhere. And she is bleeding from her head. Poor.. We should have protected her! Why didn't we do anything? We saw her get beat up! We could have stopped them right away.. But why didn't we? Why didn't I?.. Oh my gaaad.. I'm so stupid!

~Zoe POV~
I woke up, and thought I would lie in my bed, but this wasn't my bed.. Where am I? I look around me. All white? Hmm.. Wait, am I at the hospital?? What the hell happened?

A doctor came into the room. She saw me awake and smiled. "Hey, you're awake" she said. I nod hesitated. "Okey, Zoe. Just relax. Do you remember how you got here?" She asked. I shocked my head no as an answer. "Well, you got beaten up by some girls" she told me. I gasped. "Oh my god! I remember!" I said with my hand over my mouth.

"Good. Well, you have some visitors, shall I let them in?" She asked. "Hm.. Who is it?" The doctor thought for a second. "Uhm, I didn't catch their name, but it's two boys with brown/blonde hair" I nod. I know exactly who it is. "Yea, let them in"

Some few seconds, they both was in my room. The doctor had left, and now it was the three only us. "So.. How you doin?" Marcus asked. I chuckled. "I'm fineee" I said and smiled to prove it. They nod. "When are you coming home?" Martinus asked. I shrugged. "I forgot to ask" I said. Then it become completely silent. Gosh. What's going on with them?

"Guys. I'm fine! Nothing has changed! Please act normal" I begged them. They looked at each other. Seriously? "Guysss" they sighed. "We are really sorry, Zo" Marcus said. I lifted my eyebrows. "What?" I said. They didn't do anything. They helped me here!

"We shouldn't have let them just beat you up! We could protected you, but we didn't.." Martinus said almost whispering. I could hear them both cracking up. Oh gosh. What is happening? "Wow wow wow! What the?.. Okey, so I may have got beaten up, but! Who called the ambulance? Huh??" They looked at each other and smiled weakly. "We did" Martinus whispered. "Good! See? All fine!" I said and smiled. They smiled back. I opened my arms for them, and they pulled in. "I know we just met for some weeks ago, but.. I really do love you guys" I said in between the hug. "We know!" They said and giggled. I slapped them on their back heads and laughed.

The doctor suddenly came back and destroyed the moment. Or, not really. "Zoe Jones. You're free to go"

588 words✔️

I miss the holidays:(



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