Chapter 8

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I didn't have anything to say 'cause Anna immediately ran over to us. "Heyyy" she said super excited and smiled big. "Hey!" Marcus, Martinus and I answered.

I don't know why, but I felt like I didn't like Anna at all. But yesterday, it was totally fine. And now.. I don't know. Maybe I'm just too nervous.

All of a sudden, the room became completely silent, and Marcus and Martinus was on a stage with two spotlights blinding them.

"Hey everyone! As you all know, I'm Marcus and this is Martinus. Today we are gonna look at all of your auditions. First of all, we have a dance all of you are gonna dance together, and you're gonna learn it right now. Everyone, step forward and get ready to dance"  everyone did as Marcus said.

My heart was pumping like crazy because I was so nervous. Ughh, stop it! I need to get this nervousness out of my head! Right now, all I have to think of is: Dance.

My body followed every step Marcus & Martinus did. To be honest, it was a little bit easy. But when I looked at the others, they were failing a lot..

"Wow, so good everyone! Let's do it one more time, and this time, we will look thoroughly after all of you, and we will pick out 10 we want to see more of" everyone was super nervous. Of course I was too.

The music started again, and I felt my body moving so rhythmic. I literally love the feeling when I'm dancing. I'm feeling so.. free. That's the best feeling.

The music stopped, and Marcus & Martinus looked ready. It's happening...

"Okey! Now we have looked thoroughly at you, and we found 10 super talented guys! It's was hard tho, because everyone was super talented too! But here we go. Here's the first we want to look at" Martinus took a break, and Marcus continued "Anna Viana!"

I was a bit surprised. Really? Anna.. Ughh, why am I mad? They still have 9 left.

Anna stood now in front of Marcus & Martinus while rest of us was looking excited or nervous at them.

"Okey, Anna. So, what song are you gonna dancing to?" Marcus asked nicely. "Dance with you" Anna answered simple and proficiently. Ughh, she seems so sure about this! I am never that sure!! Ok, chill.

Martinus started the song and Anna immediately started her movements. They were precise and quite fast. Oh.. She's good.

Everyone was clapping loud after her dance and someone was even whistling. I had to clap too, 'cause she really was amazing! And then it was the next person..

"Here we go again! The next person we want to see is.. Zoe Jones!"

460 words✔️

Eyy, it's my birthday!:) (or actually, I'm posting this 23:58 soo.. Nah🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️)


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