Chapter 3

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~Zoe POV~
"YOU LIKE HER!!" What? Who are they talking about?? I was just going to the bathroom, and then I heard someone talking in Marcus room. It was obviously Marcus and Martinus tho. But I seriously came too late!! Ughh, now I am sooo curious!


Why am I curious?

Well, I'm always curious so! Ahah.

I took a chance, and walked into the door. Both of them jumped a bit in Marcus bed.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Asked I and smirked.

Martinus was facing Marcus, but Marcus sent him a 'serious-face'. Okeyyy. This is why I don't understand boys! Ugh.

"Seriously! Boys, who the hell are you talking about? I'm seriously so fucking curious right now!" I said and sighed.

All of a sudden they started laughing. But it was not a real laugh! Yeez..

"Gad! I'm out" I said and walked right out the door. Ughh, why are boys like this??

~next day~
I woke up by my alarm. It was 07:00 am, and I have school soon. Or, actually we have school! Yesterday night I found out that Marcus and Martinus were gonna start in my class. That's actually pretty great, but I really hope they're not like yesterday..

"Good morning, Zoe" My mom and Kjell-Erik said. Everyone was at the table and were eating breakfast.

I smiled weakly. "Morning" said I and took a seat next to Marcus.

"You want some cereal, Zoe?" Mom asked from the other side of the table. "Yes, please"

"Thank you" said I when I got the cereal from mom. I put some milk in it too. Then we were all eating breakfast.


The clock was 08:10 and school starts 08:30. So now me, Marcus and Martinus were walking side by side to school. Emma wasn't going with us because she is sick. Poor, girl.. Or actually, she is lucky!

No one has said a simple word all the time we were walking to school. That was kinda awkward...

"Uhm.. I'm just curious, boys! But, who were you talking about yesterday?" Again, Martinus was facing Marcus, and Marcus was just sending him this weird look again. Gaaad.

"Omg!! Seriously?! Why can't you just tell me?!!" I said and sighed. I was pretty mad tho.. I always get mad when I'm curious.

"It's not important! Besides.. Why do you want to know that? We just met yesterday you know?" Marcus simply answered. I sighed loud and rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, okey then! I'm just gonna wondering about this all my life! Ughh, life sucks.."

Marcus was just giggling, and Martinus just shrugged with a smirk as always! Ugh....


We had just got into the schoolyard, and everyone, and I mean everyone, was looking at Marcus and Martinus!

Omg, all the girls were almost drooling at them!! Ew... That's just awful....

"Um, Zoe? Can you take us to the principal's office??" Marcus asked next to me. I shrugged.

"Okey, sure" I said and smiled short before taking them to the principal's office. After I had 'delivered' (lol) them there, I got out to the schoolyard again.

All of a sudden, all the girls ran up to me, and started saying things like "Omg, they are so cute!" "Can I get they're number?!!" "Wasn't that Marcus and Martinus?!!!!"

Wait a minute......

How did she know?

"Umm.. How do you it's Marcus and Martinus?" I asked the girl who had said it. She looked at me eager.

"Uh, of course I know who they are!! I'm a huge fan of them!!!"

Fan? Of Marcus and Martinus??


602 words🔥

Ohhhh!😧 ahah:)

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