Chapter 17

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Kate left me. Yay, now I am all alone. So fun! And I have to go into class alone? Damn.

I was hesitating when I was about to open the door. I can just skip class? I wasn't there the first 30 minutes, and I don't have to come in now. It's too late, duuh.

I turned around to walk away, but all of a sudden someone opened the classroom's door. Nooo, it's the teacher!

"Zoe Jones! Why the hell haven't you been to class?!" I looked at the floor. I can't look at him in the eyes. He is the most strict teacher! "Sorry, Mr. Winston. I was with Kate and.." Mr. Winston cut me off. "Just go to your desk!" I quickly nod and got into the classroom. Everyone's eyes staring at me. Gad, that's why I hate being late for class.

"Where were we? Oh! Well, like I said.." Mr. Winston got disturbed by the door opening again. I could tell he was getting crazy.

"Kate Wesley and Martinus Gunnarsen! Why the hell are everyone skipping class?!" All the students was looking at each other. No answer. "Ugh, teenagers today.."

~after school~
I haven't gotten talked to Kate yet. I'm trying to find her so we could walk home together, like usually. But I couldn't find her.

I met Anna in the corridor, who was in the same class as Kate in the last period. "Hey, Anna? Have you seen Kate?" I asked. She thought for a second. "Hm, actually yes. I saw her with Martinus. They walked out from the classroom together, probably on their way home now" I sighed, and nod. "Thanks" then I left. Guess I'll be walking home alone today.


I called Kate when I got home. Okey, so since she was leaving with Martinus they've probably figured it out. That's good! But.. they didn't have to leave me like that.

"Kate! Where the hell were you after school?" Kate laughed. "Chill. I walked home with Martinus. Oh, yea, sorry, I should've told you.." I sighed. "It's fine" "So you've figured it out with Martinus?" I continued. I could hear her smile (lol). "Yep! I'm with him now, bye" I didn't even reach to say bye. Wow, that 'busy' girl.

After our little conversation, someone was knocking on my door. I sighed, and said loud "Come in!" The person came in. Marcus. Surprise! Not.

"Hello?" I said more as a question. "Hey. Do you wanna go for a walk or something??" I couldn't say no. So I agreed.

We got downstairs. We told our parents we were just going out for a bit. Then we took our jackets and shoes on. Marcus walked first out, and so came I. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously. Marcus shrugged. "I really don't know. This place is new for me, remember?" I laughed and nod.


We ended up at Starbucks. Well, who doesn't love Starbucks? We was sitting down and talking while we waited for our drinks.

"Marcus and uhh.. Zoe!" Me and Marcus got up and grabbed our Starbucks. Then we sat down at the same place. "So.." Marcus suddenly said, but stopped himself. I looked at Marcus, wanting him to continue.

"So.. Uhm.. How are you doing?" I sighed low. I guess he means that break up.

"It's okey. I'm feeling a lot better now. You.. You have really helped me, Marcus! Thank you" I don't know why I told him that, but.. He asked! Marcus smiled surprised. "Really? I thought I made it much worse!" He said chuckling. It made me laugh. "No no no! Without you, I don't know how I would handle it. Really, thank you" It felt so good when I said it. That's the truth.

Marcus smiled, and suddenly it was all a quiet moment. But it wasn't awkward at all.

I started fiddling with a tissue. I don't know why, but I'm weird soo. Suddenly I dropped it. Ugh, typical me!

I leaned down to get it, but then I bumped into something. Wow, that was Marcus' head!

"Shit, sorry" he said and I could see his little smirk. I laughed, and grabbed the tissue from the floor.

"Zoe?" Marcus suddenly said, and I could hear his serious tone. I looked at him. "I think I.." He stopped. Oh my lord! Continue, boyy!

"I think I like you" I stopped for a minute. What?

"Uhm, I like you too! You know, as a friend" I said and smiled weakly. He sighed and looked me serious in the eyes.

"I like you more than a friend"

770 words✔️

Opsss.. I know I haven't been so active lately:/ But I have holiday now, and I just got home from my friend's cabin;) and I don't have some more plans for my holiday, so I'm gonna try to post some chapters;))


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