Chapter 4

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Finally the school bell rang, and we all got into the school building. The girls didn't ask me more questions or something, and I could finally be alone! Or, yea, get into the classroom alone! Heh..

I didn't see my best friend, Chloe when I got into the classroom. Hmm.. Weird! We are in the same class, but where is she then?

"Zoe!" Someone shouted. I recognized the voice immediately, and got over to the boys. It was Martinus who had called my name.

I think we're kinda friends now! Or.. I don't know actually so..

"What's up?" I asked and smiled when I got there.

"Nothing, just take this seat next to Marcus" Martinus simply said and looked with that smirk again at Marcus.. Typical Martinus....

"Um, why can't you sit there?" I asked him confused.

"Didn't want you to sit alone! And I can just sit behind you with my new friend, Alex" I looked behind me. Ugh, fuck... Alex is my ex!

"Hey, bae" He said when he noticed me looking at him. Ew, gross! And btw, Joseph, doesn't go in this class! But we have some few classes together, not many tho..

"Shut up, Alex!" I immediately said back to him, before our teacher came in, and our lesson began. Ughh... Science! Yey....

~Marcus POV~
I was looking at Zoe the whole time. I just can't take my eyes of her!! Okey, that's kinda creepy...

I think Martinus was right.. Maybe I am a little into her? I don't know.. I just get this weird feeling inside me.. It's like a million butterflies is in my stomach, and I get so happy when I look at her! Yezus.. Is it that it's feels like when you're in love??

But.. the thing is... she has a boyfriend. And that lucky boy is not me.


Finally it was break time, and I was just sitting at a bench with Martinus, but of course all the girls had circled around us! Ughhh..

They were asking us a lot of questions, but me and Martinus was just ignoring them and had our own conversation. It wasn't about something special tho, because of all the girls around us.

Suddenly I see Zoe walking there, alone.. Hm, she hasn't somebody to talk to, because all the girls are here. Poor. I guess I just need to get her here then.

"Zoe!" Shouted I. She looked right at me immediately. She started to smile. Aw, that's the cute smile! Ugh, Marcus, stop it!

Zoe stopped smiling, and starts to walk away again.. Why did she do that? Was it something I did or??

"Sorry, girls! I need to do something really important right now" The girls looked at me a bit sad, but let me go. I immediately ran over to Zoe. She was about to walk into the school building.

"Zoe! Hey, wait for me!" I shouted behind her. She turned around, and got that smile again. Yey, it's back!

"Why did you left?" Asked I curious. She shrugged. "I needed to.. Uhm, talk to Mrs. Henning" She answered.

Hmm.. Why is she lying for me?..

535 words✔️

Ugh, I'm sorry for not posting in two days or something! You know.. School just started again, and I got all these homework soo... Yep, sorry:/


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