Chapter 24

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We decided to go to the park. It wasn't a long walk, and it was very close to the hotel. But of course there was a lot of fans! Ugh.. Sometimes I really hate being with the twins! How do they handle all this fans? I can't even handle one!

After about 20 minutes with pictures with the fans, we sat down at a bench in the park and start talking.

"So, you're from LA, huh?" Maddie says to me. I nod with a little smile. "Yea. But it's kinda big. Sometimes I wish I could just live in a small town far away" I say with a sigh. Maddie smiles. "Huh, well, I live in a small town, but I want to live in a big town!" She says chuckling. I laughed. "Oh, nice. Where are you from?" "Trofors. Marcus & Martinus also lived there before they moved, right, boys?" Both of them nodded. "Yup! And we miss it very much" Martinus sighs. "What? Someday, take me there!" I say to the boys. They giggles and agree.

"So, how did you guys become so good friends?" I ask all of them. They looked at each other giggling. Especially Marcus and Maddie..

"Well, we actually met at the kindergarten!" Maddie starts. "Oh! Wasn't it when me and Martinus was in this kinda 'fight' and you just came in and said like 'Hey, you two! You're my new bestfriends!'" They all started laughing, and I kinda 'fake' laughed too.

"Yea, you should have been there, Zoe" Maddie says. I smile weakly. "Oh, yea, definitely" I say laughing.

Suddenly, Marcus' phone starts ringing. He takes it out from his pocket and answers it. In the meantime, me, Martinus and Maddie are just talking about some boring stuff.

Then Marcus came back. "Bro, who was that?" Martinus asked his brother. Marcus sigh. "Dad. He wants us back at the hotel, so we can eat dinner together" he tells us. We all sigh. "Did you ask if Maddie could eat with us?" Martinus asks. Marcus stops for a second. "Oh.. Uh, I kinda forgot that...." he says nervously. Me and Maddie just laughs, and Martinus rolls his eyes. "Nice job, Marcus!" Martinus says, and then we start walking towards the hotel.


Maddie got in with us in the hotel. Marcus & Martinus says Maddie is eating with us no matter what! They really do love her..

"Finally! Oh, you brought Maddie? Hey, Maddie!" Their father says coming up to us. "Hey, Kjell" Maddie says with a smile. "So, Maddie is eating with us?" Kjell asks the boys. They both nodded. "Oh, that's okey! Right, honey?" He says and turns to my mom. She nods. Then we all go to the restaurant.


We were all sitting down eating our foods. Everyone was talking and having fun. But Marcus and Maddie seems to be having a lot of fun! Like, they're always laughing! No, I'm not jealous! I just think that it's.. weird!

"I'm going to the restroom" Marcus says when we're all done eating. "Oh, me too" Maddie also says and gets up with Marcus. Uhm?.. They both leave from the table, and it is just me, mom, Kjell, Martinus and Emma. "Zoe? Can you come with me to the restroom?" Emma suddenly says while the others talking. I look first at Martinus, who is just smiling, and then me and Emma walks to the restroom together.

We're on our way to the restroom. But when we're almost there, I see something. Emma saw it too. "Wait. Isn't that Marcus and Maddie?" Emma says and starts chuckling. I nod. It is them, kissing.

607 words✔️

Ops, I know.. I've been so bad at updating! Heh.. But I've been busy:/
AND sick:((

Yeaaaa sorryyyy


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