Chapter 25

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No no no! I think I'm feeling it! I'm feeling... jealous! Oh god, no!! Hold up! Why am I jealous? I don't even like that boy! I'm okey with whoever he dates, kisses and.. yea, whatever!!

"Zoe, are you okey?" Emma suddenly asks. I laugh a bit and look confused at her. Why wouldn't I be? "Yea, why?" I ask. She just sighs and shrugs. Weird.

Finally, or.. whatever! They pulled away. I look away, and the same do Emma. Like we just pretend we didn't see anything.

"Maddie. I.. I can't" I hear Marcus say. Wait, what? I had to look again. So I did. That's when I got caught. Shit. "Oh.. Zoe? Emma??" Marcus says and walks towards us, nervous. I fake a quick smile. "Uhm, hey" I say. Oh my god. This. Is. Really. Awkward.

Maddie walks away. She seemed hurt. "Uh.. You didn't see that, or?" Marcus asks nervously and looks around him. I look at Emma. "We saw everything" Emma answered with a smirk. No! Why did she say that? She is only making it more awkward. Or, it's her brother so..
"Oh okey... Uhm, Zoe, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks and looks me serious in the eyes. I nod hesitated. Emma sighs and goes into the restroom.

"Zoe.. You know I still have feelings for you?.." he says and bite his lips. Damn boy. Omg! What am I thinking?! "Oh.. Okey?" I say more as a question. He continues "Well, that kiss, didn't mean anything! I swear to god, she kissed me! I.."

I stop him. With a kiss. And he kisses back. Damn he is a good kisser!... Oh boy. What the hell am I doing?!

I pull away. Quickly. And I just push him?! And then I start running. Like, out from the restaurant!
What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. Me?


So I ended up at a park. And I am crying my tears out. Damn. I'm so rude! I actually did push him! I'm a terrible person.. And why the hell did I do that?! Like, he really is cute... and hot... and... oh shit. I like him! I actually like him!! Then what the hell am I doing here? I have to get up and find him! He's the one.

When I am just about to leave, I hear someone shout my name. Omg. I would recognize that voice everywhere! "Marcus!" I say and jump literally on him. "Wow wow wow! Zoe, what is happening?" He asks completely confused. I laugh, and kisses his cheek. Yup. I did it. And now he is blushing. Aww how cute!

"Marcus. I like you too! I.. I just didn't realize it before now! Wow, I'm so stupid!" I say and laugh. Marcus got a huuuge smile.
"Someone is happy?" I say. He didn't even answer, and kisses my lips. I kiss back. We stand like this for some minutes. Wow. I could wish forever!

Suddenly we heard someone behind us, completely destroying our time.. "Oh my god! Zoe? Marcus?? Oh god..." our parents!

"Zoe and Marcus! You two can't be together!"

523 words✔️

Ohhh whyyy?


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