Chapter 19

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"Wait wait wait waiiiit! Norway? Seriously?? But isn't it kinda.. freezing?" I said while everyone was such so happy. Mom sighed, and looked strictly at me. "What? You know I hate cold places!" I said to her. She rolled her eyes and looked at Kjell-Erik. "You get used to it! But, come on, you all have to pack your stuff because we're leaving tomorrow!" He said. I shock my head. What?! Tomorrow?!!

"What!! Why haven't you told us before?!" I almost yelled. Mom and Kjell-Erik sighed. Okey, I'm kinda 'annoying'. "Just pack your stuff, honey" mom said before she left the kitchen. Ughh.. I looked at the boys who was looking at me. Martinus sent me a 'seriously?' look and Marcus looked away when I looked at him. I sighed. "Great!" I said and got up from the chair before I jogged upstairs.

Well, I guess I just have to pack my stuff then.

~next day~
Damn, today we are gonna sit on a plane for 6 hours! Yay...

When we got to the car/taxi I had to sit between Marcus & Martinus. Omg, how can I go on a trip with someone that hates me? But I don't hate him tho. I just don't wanna try to make a good friendship with him again since I've already tried my best.

A message popped up on my phone screen. I read it. 'What's going on between u and Mac?' Martinus has sent me. I sighed for myself. 'Nothing' I answered before I turned off my phone. I could hear Martinus sigh next to me. He don't have to know, okey?

UGHH! I KNEW IT!! IT'S SO FREAKING COLDDDD!! "Mom! I'm freeziiiing!" I said. Mom sighed. "You don't have to complain on everything we do" I just rolled my eyes at her. But I'm cold..

"Here are we gonna stay!" Suddenly Kjell-Erik said when we stood in front of a hotel. A read the sign. "G.. Grand Hotel?" I said more as a question. Kjell nod. Then we went in. The boys and Emma seems to know the place very well. Okey, I guess they have been here before. Suddenly I could hear a lot of screaming. "Damn.. These fangirls are stalking us everywhere!.." Marcus mumbled. No!! Seriously?! "Wait! So wherever we go, they are gonna follow us?!" I said freaked out. Ew, I really don't want stalkers behind me even if they're not mine. "Relax. I'm gonna fix that later" Kjell said. I sighed, and me and the boys nod.

We got our cards to our rooms, and when I got into me, Emma and mom's room, I had to gape. "Holy shit! This is real luxury!!" My mom would usually said that I should watch out my mouth, but she was too busy to look around in the room. And Emma seemed to not care at all.  "Wait, how did we get this room? I mean! This is obviously for celebrities!" My mom coughed. "Zoe, remember, we are with celebrities" I sighed loud. Wow, of course it was them! "Yea.. How could I forget?" I said sarcastically. My mom just laughed.

"Okey! But girls, I'm going to Kjell and the boys room. Wanna come?" Emma nod and ran out the room. My mom look at me waiting for my answer. I shocked my head no. Then she left. Yay, now I have this room for myself! But as I soon as I thought that, someone stepped into the room. Ugh.. Why now? "Helluu!!" Martinus head popped up from the door. I sighed. "Yay.." I said sarcastically. He laughed, and the next person who stepped in was of course Marcus! But he didn't even look at me. "Hey?" I said to him trying to get his attention. He just rolled his eyes and sat on a chair far away from me.
Damn, what am I gonna do with that boy?

655 words✔️

New part yay:))


I'M GOING TO TROFORSSSS! I have some family members there;)




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