Chapter 15

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Oh gaad. What am I gonna say? Well, just say something!

"Uhh.. Okey, dude, it's a girl talk here! Duuh" I said as an excuse. Marcus rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything more. Hah, nailed it!

"Hm, have you guys seen Martinus?" Marcus asked after a while. Me and Kate looked at each other. Well, Kate haven't even met him soo. "Nope, sorry. I thought he was with you?" I said. Marcus sighed and shacks his head.

"Well, he was. But then he said he was coming right back and walked away, and since that, I haven't seen him" I nod. "Hmm.. Weird"

~Marcus POV//After school~
I was walking home with Tinus. Yea, I found him. I don't know what he was doing all this time he was gone, and I just found him go out from the toilets. But I know he was doing something else.

"Martinus?" Asked I after a long while just thinking. "Yes, Marcus?" He answered.

"Well, I'm just wondering.. Why were you gone for so long? You know, you said you were going to the toilets, but you was gone for 30 minutes! Did you even go to the toilets?" Martinus immediately started to smirk. Okeyy.. What's going on with him?

"Dude, tell me. What's going on?"

"Okey, well, I'm kinda into this girl, Ashley. And now.. she is my girlfriend!" I looked surprised at him. Wuuut? My brother got a girlfriend before me? That's not fair, bro!

"Shiiit! Martinus! Are you kidding me?!" He laughed, and shacked his head no. "Oh my goshhh! My little bro got a girlfriend!!" "Before me" I continued. He chuckled. "Yep, I'm so proud of myself" giggled he. I laughed and gave him a friendly push.

~Zoe POV~
Kate was coming home with me. We was walking some meters behind Marcus & Martinus.

"So, when we get home to you... Can we please do something with the boys?" I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" I said and sighed. She shrugged. "What? I wanna meet new people!" She said, and I could see her little smile. I rolled my eyes playfully, but agreed.


When we got into my house, Kate pulled me into the kitchen, where Marcus & Martinus was. I sighed.

"Well, hello?" Marcus said more as a question, but couldn't help, but smile.

"Hiii! Kate here, says she wants some more friends, so here you go" I pushed her to the boys. She was about to fall, but Martinus saved her. Both of them were blushing like crazy. Uuuuu.

Kate immediately stood up. "Zoe!" She said and punch me in my stomach, which didn't hurt at all. I just chuckled. "No problem" giggled I. She rolled her eyes smiling.

The would look cute together, right? Besides, none of them has a boyfriend/girlfriend! Or? Nah, I don't think so!

Well, looks like I just got a new job then. Kate, Martinus, you two are going on a little road trip.

492 words✔️


Yep, ik. Sorry for my bad updating.


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