Chapter 6

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I was just staring at them for some long seconds. All of a sudden, Martinus was in front of me. "Hello!" He almost shouted.

"Hey?" I said back to him. He rolled his eyes at me. "Are you deaf?" He asked and sighed. I gave him a weird look. What? I'm not deaf!

"Eh, no! Why?" I asked. He didn't answer, but changed the subject. "So, what do you think?" "What?" I was completely confused. Ugh, what is wrong with me??

"I mean, what do you think about them?" He repeated and looked at Marcus and Anna who still was making out. Oh gad, they seriously need to get a room before something else happens here!!

"Yeez.. Well, they are.. cute together!.. But I think they're soon are eating up each other..." I said and mumble the last part. Martinus laughed. "Yep, I think so too"

"So, you wanna do something?" He said right after. He looked at me and I could tell he was almost begging me. A little desperate? Yea.

"Well, since you look like a desperate little boy, so why not" I answered. Martinus looked offended.

"What? No!! I'm a big boy!!" He said proud and with his hands on his hips. I started to laugh.

"Yea, sure!" I said and rolled my eyes playfully. He laughed too.

"Well, Mr. Gunnarsen! Where do you want to go?" I said after a while laughing. He shrugged. "Let's just see where it leads us" I laughed, but agreed with him. It's not the worst idea tho.

Before we started to get ready for our little 'tour' I was checking on Marcus and Anna again. Gosh.. Seriously?! They haven't stopped once!! Ugh, I need to get out of here.. Me and Joseph isn't making out so much actually! Wow..


"So, what do you wanna talk about?" Martinus asked when we got out. I shrugged. "I don't know..." I said. Martinus sighed with a little laugh.

"Well, it must be something going on in your head!" he said. Again, I shrugged. "I actually don't know!" I said and laughed. Martinus hit himself on his forehead.

"Okey, maybe we can tell something about ourselves. Because, all I know about you is that you're name is Zoe Jones and you are 15 years old" I laughed and nod.

"That's right! And you are Martinus Gunnarsen, 15 years old from Norway" I said and chuckled. He laughed too.

"Okey, what do you wanna know?" I asked.

"Hmm.. Have you always lived in LA?" "Yep" I answered simply.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?" A little smile across his face. "Well, I like to play soccer and.. sing" I looked a little shocked at him. He is actually the first boy who ever has said that he like to sing.

"Wait, you like to sing??" I asked with a smile. "Yep! I like to dance too! But, don't you know me and Marcus are?.." I looked curious at him. I sent him a glance which said 'spit it out!'.

"Oh, you didn't know! Me and Marcus are actually artists! We are the most popular twins in Norway, Sweden, Denmark. And we are big stars in the abroad too" I looked super shocked at him. Shiiit! Why didn't I know this?

"What?! That is sooo cool!! But why haven't I heard about you? Aren't you guys famous in LA or USA?" Martinus shrugged a bit.

"Well, I know that we actually have a lot fans here too, but you know, it's a lot of people here" Aha. Nobody in my school have heard of them. Or, maybe a few! I don't know.

"Ohh.. Okey!"

"Yea! But what do you like to do in your spare time?" He asked.

"Well, I like to dance" I said a bit embarrassed. Martinus chuckled.

"Omg, stop!" I said and laughed a bit. "Nah! But you should try an audition to be one of our dancers! Because, after we moved here, we lost all of our dancers.. So, you should try" He said and giggled.

"Oh, okey! But I.. I don't think I'm that good soo.." "Don't say that! Just come! It's actually tomorrow! Come with us!" He said eager. I looked unsure at him. "Uhm..."

"You know, we're traveling all the time! So if you like to travel.." I shut him up. "I'll come"

730 words✔️

Shiiit! Oml, I haven't updated in two weeks!.. SORRY! I actually had this homework that we were gonna write a STORY in English (and I'm Norwegian, so yea, sorry for my English) and we had two weeks on us! So, that's why I haven't been active:/


Have you heard m&m's new song 'Remind me'? IT'S SOOO GOOD!!😍😍

(lol, m&m was at the Norwegian news on Friday (when the song came out) and I was like "OMG!! SHUT UP EVERYONE!!" AHAHHA)


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