Chapter 5

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~Zoe POV~
Okey, I was kinda hurt when I saw all these girls around Marcus and Martinus.. It's like they're not caring about me, and doesn't even want to hang out with me! Or, I know Marcus called my name, but.. hm, I don't know! I just got that weird feeling when I saw him with all of these girls around him and his brother.

"Zoe!" Marcus shouted and waved one hand in front of my face. Shit, I must have got out of reality. "Huh, What?" Marcus just started to laugh.

"Um.. Seriously? What is it??" Asked I a bit annoyed. Marcus shrugged and just said "Nah, it was nothing" Ugh, I hate when people do that. Well, I'm used to it so!

~last lesson~
Finally it was just one lesson again before we all could go home! Ugh, gad! You don't know how sick I am of school!

I was sitting next to Martinus. Marcus was sitting next to another girl called Anna. It's not like I really care 'bout that, but.. Ugh! I don't know..


Gaaad!! I'm sick if it! I don't know, but I just get a weird feeling every time I look at them! Marcus and Anna! It's like they are flirting with each other! And... Ughhh!! Why do I even care?!

Screw it, Zoe! He is just a boy who sooner will become your stepbrother probably.

~on the way home~
Me, Martinus, Marcus and Anna was walking home together! Because, apparently Anna is going to stay over at us place today! Ugh..

Okey, Zoe! Chill.. It's just a girl! And.. Actually, you used to be best friends with her! Ugh, I don't know what happened between us! We just found our own way I guess..

"Soo.. What are we gonna do when we get home to you?" Anna asked Marcus and smiled big. I had to roll my eyes for myself.. Gad! I don't even know why I did that?..

"Hm, I was thinking... Netflix and chill?" Marcus said while smiling huge. Omg.. Why do I have to live with him? Right now, I wish they never came here!

Okey, maybe I am overreacting? Ugh..

"Yaz! Do you guys have popcorn tho? We must have popcorn!" Anna asked really eager! Typical Anna.. She always needs popcorn when she is watching something!

"Umm.. I don't know! Zoe? Do we have popcorn??" Marcus asked. I shrugged. "Sure" I simply answered and was only focused on the way home.

After some couple minutes, we got into our house. It felt like years just walking there with them! Or.. her!

Ugh, okey, is not like I hate Anna or something! I just.. ughhh! I DON'T KNOW!


"Hey, Zoe and Tinus! Are you guys gonna join us watching a movie?" Marcus asked from the couch.

"Yess! I'm comiiing!" Martinus immediately shouted next to me in the kitchen. I sighed. Marcus and Anna are probably gonna made out or something! Sooo..

Hell no!

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna stay in my room" I shouted back.



Ughh! It's so boring up here! And.. I'm hungry! Well, I guess I just need to go down for a bit..

I was walking into the kitchen. Suddenly I heard this strange sound from the living room... Hmm, what is that?

I carefully walked into the living room.

Oh my gashhhh!

I told you!

Marcus and Anna was making out!

567 words❄️

Ohh, are you jealous or what, Zoeee?


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