Chapter 9

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Everything went so fast. I was dancing to Tip toe by Jason Derulo. I knew that was Marcus & Martinus' favorite song, so why not?

Yesterday I had to make up this dance, and I actually did it. I didn't know what to do first, but it didn't take so long time before I started to just dance and make up some moves by myself.

After I was done dancing, everyone was clapping. Actually, it sounds like they were clapping even louder for me than Anna. It just sounds like it, okey?

"Wow, that was amazing, Zoe!" Martinus said while clapping and smiled big. I had to smile back. It felt so good when I was done. And luckily I don't think I even failed!

"Okey, then we have the next one! Maria Elsierra"


Minutes went into hours and I was almost falling asleep until someone was shouting my name. I turned around to look. Hm, it was Anna.

I ran over to her "Hey, Anna. What is it?" I asked curious and faked a little smile. "Nah, it's nothing! I just wanted to talk to someone. You're the only one I know here" she said looking around. I laughed. "True, you too"

"So what do you wanna talk about then?" I asked. Anna shrugged. "Uhm.. Well, a lot have happened since last time we had a conversation! So, why don't we just talk about our lives? Like, how it is now and yea.. all that stuff" she said and smiled wryly. I had to smile a real smile this time. "Okey, you're right"

Anna started first. "Well, lately I have had a lot of problems at home.. My mom have fainted a lot of times the last months, and my dad just cheated on her with a 19 year old girl.. So yea.. My life sucks" I looked with a dead serious glance at her, but she was just staring at her feet. Damn.. That must be harsh to her..

"Oh.. I didn't know, Anna... You know, even if we aren't that good friends anymore, you.. you can still tell me what's going on" I said worried and pull her into a hug. She was hugging back, and I'll swear I have really missed these hugs!

"Yea.. Sorry. I should have told you" Anna said with a cracked voice. I sighed. "No, it's fine. It's not your fault that we're not talking that much anymore" I said, or more mumbled.

Anna was looking down again. Crap, why did I say that? "Ugh, I'm so bad at this! Sorryyy" I said apologizing, but Anna was just chuckling. "You have always been bad at it, but it's okey. I have always understood you" she said giggling. I laughed. "Right"

"But.. I guess it's my turn? To say something?" Anna nod. "Uhm, okey, my life have been a little weird lately.. First of all my mom got a new boyfriend and suddenly he have moved in with his whole family! And.. Joseph... He's.. He's acting weird... For some days ago, it seemed like he really loves me and care about me and yea, but.. The next day he is like.. He's hiding something?.. I don't know. Maybe not. It just feels like it.." Anna was nodding the whole time. It was like she has heard this before.

"Okey.. I think.... He have done something wrong. Maybe something with a girl or maybe a fight or something! But.. He is hiding something! It must be something like that! I know what boys are thinking" Hmm.. Why haven't I thought about this earlier? Anna is such a smart person!

"Ohhh! Thanks, Anna!! Now I know exactly what I am gonna do when I get home!"

Just then, Marcus & Martinus came back to say something. The last dancer was done now. And it was time to let out their new dancers.

647 words

Lol, I know it's a lot of 'weird sentences' here (it's always weird sentences in all my chapters tho) but this time I had to wrote it a bit quick because I'm sooo tired right now! It's almost midnight and I have school tomorrow! Yeaa.....

But I had a really good birthday yesterday! I didn't get what I was wishing for which was tickets to Oslo Spektrum... But, well, I got tickets to Oslo Sommertid last time sooooo..

Eyyy! For some a week ago or something I got 200 followers! Thank u!! I really don't care so much about followers, but it's nice tho💗



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