Chapter 23

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After some hours with playing soccer, two girls at our age came up to us. Or not exactly us, but Marcus & Martinus. "Omg, Marcus & Martinus!" They said in a Norwegian accent. I just stood their awkwardly next to them. "Ja, det er oss!" Martinus said and smiled. I didn't understand anything.

"Hvem er du?" One of the girls asked and looked at me. I looked confused at Marcus & Martinus. "Who are you. Oh, uhh, she's from Los Angels, so she doesn't speak Norwegian" I nod and cracked a little smile. "Yea. My name is Zoe, nice to meet you" I said and smiled wryly. They just nod, but with a very strange look. "Uh, are you one of them's girlfriend?" The same girl asked. I sighed. Why does everyone think that? "No" I said. I could feel Marcus eyes on me. I turned around to him, but then he just looked down at the grass.

"Okey.. Why are you with them?" Wow. These girls really don't like me. "Uh, are you saying that I can't be with them?" I asked with my brows raised. They looked at each other without answering my question. "Uh?" "No, we are just wondering!" The other girl said annoyed. I rolled my eyes. "Well, our parents is kinda dating so.. yea, we are not dating!" I answered. They nod, very relieved. Gad, I already hate these girls.

"Weeell.. Marcus, Martinus? Can we please go back now? I'm starving" I said and smiled quickly. They both agreed, and we got away from those bitches..

"Damn, did you see how they looked at me?" I asked the boys while we were walking. They both nodded their head. "Yup. We saw everything" Marcus said. We walked home, or to the hotel, and was just chilling out the rest of the day.

~next day~
"Zoe! Zoe!! Wake up! We're meeting someone in 40 minutes!!" I stood up. Oh my lord! It's only eight o'clock! Damn, I hate getting up so early. "Guys, you know I hate getting up so damn early!" I said while burying my head in my pillow. "I don't care! We are meeting someone, Zoe!! Our old bestfriend! You have to meet her!" wait, her? I looked curiously at them. "Huh? A girl?" I asked. They nod. "Well, sure! Why not" "Yay!!"


40 minutes later we were all in the lobby to meet their old bestfriend. Okey, so I'm kinda curious 'bout who it is. Like, it's a girl. Well, it would be nice to get some girls friends too.

"Maddie!!" Suddenly the two boys next to me shouted. I startled, so I almost fell to the ground! Gosh!.. I looked at the girl they were hugging. Hm.. She is pretty! But what about her personality?.. "Hi" I said when she looked at me. "Oh, so you're their new sister or yea.. whatever it's called" I laughed and nod. "Yup. That's me. Zoe" I said with a smile. "Okey, hi there, Zoe. I'm Maddie" I nod and smiled.
Hmm.. She seems kind.

508 words✔️

Ey ey finally a new part:D

But on Friday (which is about 3 days to) I'm going on a cup sooo.. I will not write some parts, but maybe on Monday since I'm gonna be there the whole weekend. And I can try to write a part in the car or when I get time!



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