Chapter 16

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"You what?!" Marcus said shocked. "Yes, I'm gonna get them together!" I said kinda proud. Marcus raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? And how are you gonna do that?" I shrugged. I haven't really thought about that..

"Wow, okey. Well, why are you saying this to me?" Marcus asked curiously. "Hm.. I don't really know" I answered. Some few seconds had I thought he could help me, but.. Nah. I can do this on my own.

"Okeyy.. Well, do you know any help?" I shocked my head no. Marcus just rolled his eyes playfully before he left my room.

Great. I have to make a plan.

~next day~
I had to hang out with Kate, Martinus and Marcus today. It's my plan, okey?

Kate and Martinus was flirting like crazy. Wow, sometimes I wish love wasn't even found up.

"So, you two. What's going on with you guys?" I had to ask. Kate and Martinus looked at each other blushing. I took a quick glance at Marcus. He was just laughing, like me.

"Uh, nothing? We're just friends!" Kate answered and look down. I rolled my eyes smiling. "Okeyy"

Just when we was about to leave the bench we was sitting at, some random girl came up to us. "Hey?" I said, but the girl ignored me.

"Martinus! Yesterday you asked me to be your girlfriend, and now you're cheating on me?!" The girl yelled completely freaking out. Martinus looked down. Wait a minute! Martinus has a girlfriend?

Me and Kate looked shocked at each other. Kate was almost crying I could tell. Oh poor.

"I have to go" Kate said and got up. I got immediately up too and followed her. Martinus sent her a 'sorry' glance, but Kate ignored that. Ugh, what are we gonna do with boys?


Kate has been in the toilet for over 15 minutes. She won't come out! You could hear her small sobbing. She tried to hide it, but I heard everything.

"Kate.. Let me in, please" I said softly through the door. She sniffles. "No, you don't wanna see me like this" I sigh. "Kate. It's okey. I'm you best friend. I really don't care about your look right now" just right after, the door got open. There she was standing. Eyes all red and puffy.

"Oh gosh" I quickly gave her a big hug.

"I actually thought he liked me.." Kate whispers while she was sobbing. I looked her in the eyes. "Kate, you're beautiful. Martinus.. He's not worth it. He don't deserve a girl like you" Kate cracked a smile. "Thanks"


After a while, we decided to get out of there. It started to smell bad. Besides, the teacher is seriously gonna beat our asses up since we're 30 minutes late.

Kate opened the door, and just when she was about to step out from the toilet, someone scared the shit out of us.

"Kate. We have to talk"

488 words✔️

Lol, I'm feeling like this book is all about Kate now! Ahahha!

Soooon Zoe gonna get some drama too..


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