Chapter 14

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The school bell rang. We walked into the building. Lot of students was on their way to their own class, and so was we. "What do you have now?" I asked Kate. She checked her schedule. "Hmm, history, and you?"

"History" I said and smiled. We walked to our class together. We got into the classroom, and sat together.

Suddenly Marcus stood in front of me. I didn't even think about what he said to me earlier. But I'm not mad at him either. I can't even be mad for a day. "Ey, what about me?" He said. I looked confused at him.

"What?" "That's my seat!" He said. I just started to laugh. "Go sit with Martinus! I've just got a new friend here!" I said and giggled. He rolled his eyes at me, but I could see his little smile.

"Okeyy, who are you?" Marcus asked Kate. Kate looked at me and smiled. "Kate. I'm new here" she said. Marcus nodded. "Oh, naiss. I'm Marcus" Kate eyes widened. "Wait.. Marcus.. Like, Marcus & Martinus?" He nod.

"Cool! I've heard a lot about you! At my last school every girl there was super fan!" Marcus giggles. "Well, that's nice" he said kinda proud. I had to chuckle. Suddenly the teacher was in the classroom. "Well, I gotta go. See ya" and then Marcus left.

"Oh my gashhh! Zoe, you two would look sooo cute together!" I raised my eyebrows. "Girl, you just met him! Why do you think that?"

She started to laugh. "Didn't you see how much he was looking at you? Just.. turn around now. He's watching you right now" I don't know why I did it, but I just had to look. Shit, Kate was right! Marcus and I immediately started blushing. Wow wow wow.. I don't like him like that! So, why am I even blushing?! Gad!


Me and Kate was having a 'girl talk' behind the school since it was no one there. "Seriously, I'm so gonna get you two together!" Kate said and I could actually see how much she meant it. But she was smiling like crazy.

"Kate, slow down. We're just friends! And besides, our parents are dating, so that would never work" her smile slowly drifted away. "Oh no. Then my plan is over" she sighed. I just laughed. Lol, me and Marcus? Hah, that's never gonna happen!

"Aha! I have a new plan! We're gonna get your parents to break up!" Kate said kinda proud over her idea. I raised my eyebrows.

"No way! We're never gonna do that! My mom haven't been so happy in.. I don't know, years! And I don't wanna ruin it. I'm glad she finally found her a new man in her life" Kate sighed. She didn't say more after that. Then it was just an awkward moment.

"Zoe, be honest now, do you like him?" Kate suddenly said. Oh, here we go again..

"Kate! It's nothing between us! Besides, I've just broke up with someone.." the last part mumbled I. I didn't mean to say it, it just got out from my mouth.

Kate eyes widened, and she was looking so sad at me. "Oh no.. I'm so sorry! Zoe, I didn't kn.." I cut her off. "Kate, I'm fine. Really. Marcus made me get over him" I slowly realized what I've just said. Oh noo.

"OMG, see?! You like him!!" I was just about to answer, but then someone came. "Whaaat? Have I missed something?" Shit. Marcus.

585 words✔️



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