Chapter 12

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Oh my goshhh! How could I forget about the razor?! Damnnn!

Marcus was looking really shocked at me. But I couldn't met his eyes. I was too ashamed to look him in the eyes. I hope he's not disappointed at me..

"Zoe.. Are you c.. cutting yourself?" I didn't respond. I think he already know the answer. "Oh my gosh! Zoe... H.. How... What happened? Why did you do that to yourself?"

I tried to speak, but no words came out from my mouth. Only tears was falling down my cheeks. All of a sudden, I just end up crying in my bed, again.

Marcus walks over to me. He wraps his arms around me. Just what I needed. Neither him or I was saying a word. Just hugging. It wasn't even awkward. But Marcus understands me. Even tho we just met for some days ago, it's like we've known each other the whole life.

"Hey, it's okey. Just know that I'm always here for you whenever you needs me" he broke out from the hug. I smiled grateful. Just as he was getting out from the room, some words just float out from my mouth.

"He broke up with me" I said. Marcus turned around. "Oh.." It was quiet for a second. I saw Marcus was trying to find the right words to say.

"I.. I'm really sorry for that, Zo. Mayb.." I cut him off. "Wait, Zo?" I said and couldn't help, but chuckle a bit. His cheeks turned red. "Oh, heh.. I think I just made up a nickname for you" He said, and I could see he was embarrassed. That made me laugh.

"Zo.. I like that nickname. I actually haven't got any nicknames before" I said and smiled. That made him smile too. "Well.. No problem then" he said and smiled big.

"Yea, thanks. Hey, Marcus... or, Mac maybe? W.." Marcus stopped me there. "Heh, actually, my nickname is Mac" He said and chuckled. I started to laugh again. "Well, Mac, would you like to see a movie with me? Like, right now, here"

Marcus thought for a second. Or, it was obviously fake. "Of course, Zo!" He said while giggling. I laughed, and then we picked a movie we both wanted to see. 'Conjuring 2' I was dying to see it, and so was he. I am maybe a little scared of horror movies, but.. I like to see them! Even when I get nightmares.

"Hahah, you sure 'bout this? Didn't think you like horror movies" he admits. I just gave him that 'wow, thank you' glance. He laughed at that.

Then we started the movie.


The movie is soon over. And I have to admit that.. I maybe startled sometimes... Okey, many times. Right now I was lying on Marcus chest with a pillow in my arms. If I got too scared, I just covered my face with the pillow. Which I did.. the whole time.

I think Marcus was comfortable with me lying on his chest. I was too. I could tell he was a little uncomfortable at first, but then he just, all of a sudden, started to play with my hair, and I think he was pretty much more comfortable.

The movie was suddenly over. It was so good!! But.. so scary!!!

"So, the movie is over, and.. I think I should get some rest" Marcus said. I nod. "Yea, me too" I said and smiled wryly. "Well, see ya tomorrow then" he said and started walking over to the door. I walked behind him.

"Good night, Zo" Marcus said when he was about to go out the door. "Good night, Mac" I said, and couldn't help, but smile. Marcus kissed me on my forehead and then left.

Waiiiit.. Did he just kissed me on my forehead?
Well, that's weird..

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Hmm.. What's going on, Mac?


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