Chapter 13

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I woke up by my alarm. School. Yess, I love school!! *not* I threw on some basic clothes on, and then got down. I didn't do my makeup today because I actually think I look better without it.

And, no. I'm not that upset anymore. Marcus really helped me yesterday. He made me think of something else, and suddenly Joseph was gone. Ugh, I can't believe I did it because of him. Well, I'm not going to hurt myself again tho.

I got down to the kitchen. It was just Marcus there. He sat down at the table and was eating some cereal. "Hey, Mac" I said, which scared the shit out of him.

I almost died of laughter. "Ahahah! Looks like someone is scared after yesterday" I pressed in between my laugh. "Haha, so funny" he said sarcastically, but I could see he was trying to hide his little smile.

"Isn't you scared? You know, that was some scary shit" he said and took his spoon with cereals into his mouth. I shrugged. "Nah.. Actually, not. Wow.. I didn't even had a nightmare! Well, that's not normal" I said and laughed a bit.

"Lol, why didn't you have a nightmare then?" I shrugged. "I really don't know"

"Ahah, kk. Buuut, we're gonna do some rehearsals tomorrow after school. It starts 4pm" I nodded. "Oki"

Suddenly Martinus and Emma came down, and right after came mom and Kjell-Erik. We sat down and ate together.


The schoolyard was almost empty. I checked the clock on my phone. Wow, we're 30 minutes early. Usually, we get here 15 minutes early.

"Guys, we still have 30 minutes before school starts!" I said and rolled my eyes. "What? Why did we get here so early then?!" Martinus asked annoyed. I shrugged. "Well, It was yours father who said we had to go because he didn't want us to come late for our class!"

They sighed. "Ugh, he must have thought of our old school. We started 25 minutes earlier there" Marcus told. "Aha.."


We had decided that we're gonna go to the grocery store.

The boys bought some donuts, and I bought a croissant with chocolate. Everyone bought a Aloe Vera too. Martinus got kiwi, I got mango and Marcus got strawberry. After we had payed, we sat on a bench outside the grocery store. It was still 20 minutes left to school started.

"Well, this is nice" I said since it was so quiet. The others nodded while they ate their donut. "So, Marcus, what's up with you and Anna?" I had to ask.

Marcus frowned. "Oh.. Uhm, actually we haven't spoke so much lately" he said and smiled weakly.

"Oh, really? Why?" I asked curious. Martinus was listening as well. "Uhh, I haven't seen her so much" Marcus told. I got a strong feeling he was lying. "You sure? You know, she was at the audition"

"Of course I know! But I didn't have much time to talk to her!" He answered pretty much annoyed. Even if I could hear how much annoyed he was, I still asked him questions. I just couldn't hold it back!

"Zoe, stop! I have a private life too! Besides, Why can't you talk about your life?!" I looked down. I'm sure he didn't mean it, he was just very annoyed. But I still got sad. He knew Joseph had broke up with me. He knew I didn't want to talk about my life.

Marcus soon realized what he had said. His jaws fell down. "Oh my.. Zo, I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Please do.." I stopped him. "It's fine, Marcus. And I'm sorry, but I need to go now"
And then I walked away from them. I was walking back to school. Marcus & Martinus walked behind me. They didn't go up to me, but I was kinda glad they didn't.


When we got into the schoolyard this time, it was full of students as usually. I just sat down at a bench all alone. I didn't have much friends. Well, of course I have friends, but.. they're not like Marcus & Martinus. They don't understand me. All they talk about is boys, boys aaand boys. I can't hang with girls who only talks about boys!

Suddenly a girl came up to me. "Hey!" She said and was smiling wide. "Hey?" I said more as a question. Hm, that's weird. I've never seen this girl before. I guess she is new.

"I'm Kate! And I'm new here" she said. I nodded and smiled wryly. "Well, welcome! I'm Zoe" I said. She nodded. "Cool. Can you show me the principal's office?" I nod. "Sure, come with me"

We got into the building. Kate was talking a lot about herself, since she is new, and it was obviously she wanted to get some new friends here. But lucky for me, she wasn't like all the other girls. She didn't talk about boys at all, and that's what I like about her. So I think we are gonna get a really good friendship.

845 words✔️

Lmao, this is boring:))

Long chapter btw! Just felt for it.

Ahah, it's 'spring' now, buuut.. when you look outside from the windows in Norway, it's obviously still winter. (Just 1 m snow outside, heh.. and it's soo coooold!!)



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