New book!

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So, I have started a new book, and it's out NOW. Of course it's still a m&m fanfiction!;) And here is a bit of the book:

Lola once had two best friends. Their name was Marcus & Martinus. One day they won a songcontest called MGP jr, and 5 years later they was so popular that they moved to LA. Since then, Lola, Marcus & Martinus has never talked. They had kept contact the first week, but later, neither Marcus or Martinus answered her calls or messages. Why? Well, Lola never found out that. But tomorrow. Tomorrow they are coming back! Back to Norway and Trofors. They haven't been in Norway in 2 years! That's why they have kinda lost a lot of fans here in Norway. But anyway! They came back, and for Lola's surprise, HE had changed. A lot! Not Martinus, but Marcus. Marcus Gunnarsen has became a badass.

It's called Why a badass? And I really hope you will read it<3

I also wanted to thank you guys for all the support! I love reading your comments<3 And I hope I'll recognize some of you in my new book (weird ik)

AND that's it. Bye💘


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