Chapter 10

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"Aaaand we're back! This time, we have found our dancers. We needed five dancers, and we have just found them. Soo, our first dancer is..... Anna Viana!" Everyone was clapping. Me too of course. Besides, she was sitting right next to me. She was smiling so wide, and I was actually glad she got to be one of their dancers! She really is a good dancer!

"Aaaaand.. Joe Sheller!" Again, everyone was clapping.

"Miley Flam Byers!"

"William Ericsson!"

"And the last one......" It was dead silent. Okey, this is my last chance. Ohhh, what if it is me?? No, it can't be me! Or? Ughhhh!!

My heart was pounding like crazy. Damn, why do they have to have this loooong pause?

"Zoe Jones!" I got a huge smiles all over my face. I can't believe it! I did it! I'm one of their dancers!!

I wanted to just get up on that stage and dance like crazy 'cause I felt I had so much energy in me right now! But I didn't do that. Hah, hell no.

I met Martinus deep brown eyes. He was looking at me and smiling. I smiled back. Well, I couldn't hide my smile! It was so big!

Marcus on the other hand.. He didn't even look at me. But, of course he was looking at Anna!

Why is he acting like this? He hasn't even said a word to me today! It's like he is.. ignoring me? Okeyyy.. Why is he such an asshole?!


"Hey, Anna? Can I ask you something??" I said when we were getting out of the building. Anna smiled wryly and said "Yea, of course"

"Uhm.. Well, Marcus.. He has been a little.. I don't know.... weird lately.... Do you know why?" Anna looked a bit confused at me.

"Uhhh.. Actually, I haven't noticed it.." she mumbled. I lift my eyebrows and stared seriously at her. "What? Haven't you noticed that he is not talking to me at all! He doesn't even say 'hi' to me!!" Anna stared at the ground. We were standing in front of the building.

"Uhm.. Sorry.." and that was the moment I realized I had been a bit rude to her..

"Ugh, sorry, Anna! I don't know why I got so mad.. I'm really sorry" I said and sighed. She smiled a bit back.

"It's fine. I get it. I guess Marcus and you actually had a great connection.. But.... I.... I ruined it" I looked at her with wide eyes. What did she just say? I have a boyfriend!

"Uh, what? Anna, you do know I have a boyfriend, right?!" I said and tried to sound calm, but.. Well, that didn't end so well.

"S.. sorry! I know, I know! I shouldn't have said that.. Ugh, sorryyy!" I could tell she was trying to not lose me. Again. She really didn't want to ruin our friendship. But, neither do I! I just don't know what's happening to me..

"Anna.. It's.. fine. You really don't have to apologize. But It me who should say that. I really don't know what's happening to me! And I'm sorry for that.." Anna just smiled and gave me a big hug.

After a while, just standing there and hugging, someone was 'coughing' behind us. We immediately got out from the hug. Then we saw it was just Marcus & Martinus.

"Well, that was a looong hug!" Martinus said laughing. "Can I ask, why you were hugging?" He said right after. I sighed.

"I guess you've already asked" I said. "We were hugging because.. who doesn't love hugs?!" Anna said and suddenly gave all of us a huge hug.

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