Authors Note

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So just a few side notes before you start...

You know, just the usual, please don't copy my story. I understand the whole "she forgets her memory" thing is super cliche and has been done before, but I decided to add a twist to it. Stay tuned to watch it all unfold hehehe!!

This is gonna be a short story, so the chapters will not be very long at all, except for maybe the first and last few. Also, I understand this story was placed under the Teenage Fiction category, but it is a mix of both. If anyone has a problem with this categorization, please feel free to let me know and I'll be glad to negotiate :) There will probably be a little over 50 chapters in total, it's not 100% decided though.

Also, this entire story is told from the perspective of the guy, just a heads up!

So with that all being said, enjoy the story :) thanks for reading!

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