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October 25th

Of course I expected you to still be mad the next morning, but I would never predict that you would be standing by the front door with suitcases full of all your belongings.

"Woah, what are you doing, Dani?" I asked, running frantically beside you to prevent you from leaving. Seeing you standing there, just ready to leave me, shattered any remnants of a heart I had left. It was even more difficult to watch you slip from my fingers, knowing there was absolutely nothing I could possibly do to regain my grasp on our love.

"I'm moving in with Matt, I can't stay here anymore." You couldn't even look me in the eyes, while you spoke about disappearing from my life. The least you could is stare me in my face, I think I deserve that much respect from the woman I love.

"Please don't go, I'm sorry." I pleaded, gripping your arm. I couldn't just let you go without a fight; you were everything to me. My entire world, my soul mate, the only woman I'll ever love.

"Let go of me, Chase. I'm done with this. I'm so exhausted fighting with you." You sighed, inching closer to the door and desperately trying to escape from me.

"Wait one second, please." I said, as a light bulb lit up in my head. I quickly jolted to your art studio and picked up the familiar painting of us at the bowling alley. I just needed to find an item that could  possibly remind you of the good times we shared and if this beautiful painting of us as a happy couple couldn't make you stay, then I don't know what will.

"What is that, Chase?" You asked, obviously frustrated with me, as you glanced at the painting I was holding.

"It's us, Dani. It's us at the place where I realized I loved you and wanted to spend my life with you. The place I proposed to you and made you my fiancée." I paused momentarily to recollect myself, "Please stay here with me, I'll be better." You shook your head, staring firmly at the floor.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not staying here." I felt my soul just evaporate; you were leaving me for good and that was final. There has never been a time where I wanted to just die more then I did now, so congratulations, Dani. You broke me.

"At least take the painting, so you'll always remember me." Once again, you just shook your head at me, tears now evident in those gorgeous blue eyes.

"That's the problem, Chase. I don't want to remember you, I'm trying to cut all my ties with you right now. I can't be connected to you in any way. Whoever that couple is in the picture is not us anymore; I don't love you, okay? You keep hurting me over and over again, my heart can't take this pain. Just leave me alone, Chase."

"For how long?" was all I could manage to spit out after that excruciating speech you ruthlessly delivered.

"Forever.." A laugh involuntarily escaped my lips at the irony.

"...and ever." I mumbled, as you dragged your suitcases out the door and left me alone in the house we previously shared as a happy couple.

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