17 2 0

September 25

Your family came back today, hearts heavy and anticipating whether your memory would have a special place for them. Even though our relationship was so real and utterly perfect, it wasn't enough for you to remember, but who knows? Maybe the women who nursed you your entire childhood, the man who taught you how to ride a bike, and the boy who teased you endlessly would be more worth remembering than stupid old me.

They cautiously entered the room, as you stared at them intently, not breathing a word; your gaze just drilling into their brains with each of their movements towards you. Silence sometimes can be more deadly than any words in this universe, and judging by the jittery expression on the faces of your family members, your silence was not appreciated.

"Why are you guys acting like that? I'm fine, please don't cry." You finally said, laughing at how nervous your family was to see you.

"You remember us!" Your mom wailed, bursting into tears and jumping over your bed to hug you. I should've figured you would remember your own family, but it doesn't sting any less that you don't recognize me, too. How come I wasn't special enough to be cherished and remembered by you?

"Of course, I could never forget you guys." You replied, basically shattering any fragment of a heart I had left. Whom I kidding, Dani, my heart has been side by side with yours for a long time, beating the same beat and pumping the same blood. And because of that, your words pained me so much more than I let off; it felt as though you actually ripped my still bleeding heart, that held nothing but love for you, straight out of my chest and stepped on it with your cold-blooded feet.

I could never forget you guys.

Your words rang through my head, as if they were on a constant replay tormenting me deep in the subconscious of my mind, relaying that I had lost you.

If I was such a major portion of your life, why wasn't I worthy of remembrance? You forgot me, Danielle, why did you forget me?

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