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November 13th

You casually walked through the front door today and judging by my shocked face, it appeared as if I had seen a walking ghost. The funny thing is you walked into the living room, where I was resting on the couch, and didn't even give me a second glance. You treated me like I was invisible, like I was the ghost who just walked back into your life.

"You came back." I finally spoke up to which you rudely scoffed at.

"Don't flatter yourself, I didn't come back for you, I just wanted to get my board games." You said, as you dig through the messy storage closet.

Of course you didn't come back to confess your undying love; how stupid of me.

Now holding a collection of board games in your hands, you tossed a key onto the kitchen counter and I listened to the horrific jingle noise it made as it clashed down.

"I won't be needing my spare key anymore." You flatly said, heading for the front door to walk out of my life once again. It's easy for you, isn't it? To just walk away and treat me like garbage? You must enjoy kicking people when they're down.

"Maybe we should talk." I replied, standing up from my cozy seat on the couch, and leisurely making my way towards you.

"No thanks, I'll pass." You answered, shoving me out your way, as if I was just an inanimate object blocking you.

"Danielle, wait, you can't just leave again." You opened the front door, one foot outside and the other in.

"Oh ya, watch me." You slammed the door shut and ran back to your car, as quick as you could, the sound of board game pieces rattling with each step.

No, not again! You aren't getting away that easy, Dani!

I trailed outside behind you, only in my sponge-bob boxers, and impulsively stood in front of your car.

"Chase, move or I swear I'll run you down without hesitation!" Your hands tightened around the steering wheel when you saw me blocking you.

"Hit me with your car, Dani, I don't care! What do I have to live for anyway?" You revved up the engine, clearly just trying to scare me. If you still had any remnants of the old Dani left, you would never dare to hit me with your car. 

"You're being ridiculous! Just let me leave, don't make this so difficult for the both of us!" I leaned teasingly on the front of your car, and you loudly beeped the horn at me.

"Then, talk to me and I'll move!" I bargained, a smirk on my lips.

"You want to talk? Okay, Chase, you got it. You're gaining weight, and you need a haircut. You seriously reek of beer and fast food, it's disgusting. Go see a doctor, you really need help. Now, please get off my car."

The playful smile on my lips instantly diminished at your words. Not gonna lie, your honesty did sting and left a horrid pang in my chest.

I backed away from your car and retreated back to the house with my head down in pitiful shame.

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