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October 18

Although tensions between us have obviously been settled, there was this remaining pit in my stomach that refused to diminish. I couldn't explain it; I was suddenly so angry at the world, at you, and mostly at myself for still having hope that you'll love me again.

This awful feeling only worsened when you entered the house late tonight, lugging a huge telescope behind you with the help of your big, strong boyfriend.

"What's up, man?" Matt patted my back, giving me a goofy smile, while scooting passed me to drag the large telescope onto the back patio.

"What are you planning on doing with that?" I crossed my arms, glaring deathly at Matt whose hands now retreated to your lower back region. He probably didn't understand why, but I was shooting him my hawk eye to ensure he keeps his hands at an appropriate level on my girl.

"It's a full moon tonight, we were just gonna get a better look at it." You smiled, looking up at Matt with a look of love that you've only ever given me. That was when I knew; you were falling in love with him. I know it's nearly impossible to interpret a real meaning behind a look, but what you don't realize is that I've studied you, like a textbook, for years, Dani. I know all your little quirks; how you hate the word lips, how elderly couples make you swoon, how cheese makes you puke, and I know exactly how to tell when you love someone.

"Lets go, baby." Matt, contributing hugely to my extensive rage, raised his hand and slapped your ass roughly to get you moving onto the patio. I desperately wanted to cringe, sob hysterically, and yell that you weren't some kind of animal that needs to be physically slapped across the arse to move. Instead, I kept my mouth shut, like always, and retreated to the bathroom to be alone.

I couldn't stand another second of watching your new goofy relationship with a man who clearly has no respect for you! What are you doing with him, Danielle? We are soul mates; he doesn't deserve you, baby.

As I stared out the window, I noticed the full moon was shining brightly, illuminating the night sky beautifully. Except, everything couldn't feel more dull.

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