Chapter 1

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Picture: Chase Carnell

It's extremely rare for a person to admit they have no regrets and genuinely believe they lived life to its utmost potential; that a person truly got to accomplish all their life goals before their inevitable death.

At one point or another, there's got to be some event that went so dreadfully wrongful that you wish time travel was existent. Maybe you didn't study for a test and failed epically. Maybe you forgot to set an alarm and missed a major work meeting, resulting in a bitchy scolding from your boss. Or maybe you got in trouble by your parents for accidentally shattering a window with a baseball bat. Whatever the case is, there usually comes a point in everyone's life where you can look back and instantly remember some horrible situation you regret.

However, I was one of those rare cases that can honestly say I have no regrets. I mean, of course I made mistakes, I'm still human after all.

As a wild and curious teenager, going through my first year at college, I fell into the habit of smoking, getting blackout drunk every night, and hooking up with any female specimen in sight. It was one particular night that I was stumbling home from a chaotic party, rather late in the night and extremely intoxicated, that I found myself tripping down a concrete flight of stairs. Although my head was badly banged up, along with dark droplets of blood seeping down the side of my face from a painfully large gash across my cheek, I could never forgot the angelic brown haired women that approached me through my clouded vision. She stared at me, worriedly, and it was the first time since I've started college that it felt like someone truly cared about my well being and actually had my best interest at heart. I know, it seems absolutely insane that I could decipher an exchanged look between us and decide that she deeply cared for me, but some people out there are naturally good. So with her backpack still slung over her shoulders, she gently guided me to her car, where she drove me to the nearest hospital. Since I was still wasted and now, slipping into unconsciousness, I could barely manage to mumble a simple thank you to the kind woman. Except, I knew from that day forward that everything was going to change, because she was definitely an angel, saving me from the meaningless life I had been living. And I will spend the rest of my lifetime showing her how thankful I am that she rescued me. 

Now, as a successful twenty three year old adult, I look back on my old mistakes and realize that if I hadn't been through that rough stage, where partying was my only source of joy, I wouldn't have had to turn to someone for help and I wouldn't have ever met the women who became my safe haven.

Danielle Harper was the greatest blessing that Earth could ever offer. She willingly stuck by my side throughout my difficult journey to be rid of all the constant drinking and partying. She was there when I would have intense emotional breakdowns from my sudden withdrawal of alcohol. She held my hand every step of the way with no hesitation or moment of doubt. She saved me from that awful period in my life, and thanks to her, I was able to recover from the deep end. She was the reason I wanted to become a better person; she made me realize there's so much more to life, and I can't continue wasting it on pointless activities. And for that, I was eternally grateful that I had the wonderful privilege of meeting her.

And soon after I was fully sober, our friendship turned into something way more. She was not only my saving grace, but she became my love, my life, and I didn't deserve such a wonderful women, but she loved me. And I loved her.

It was that simple. There were no immature arguments, full of mind games and deceitfulness; we were always honest, caring, and thoughtful of one another. Because of that, our relationship was able to defy society's disgusting idea of love nowadays and we became inseparable, despite all of the world's damage.

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