Take it slow

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Tuesday Morning.......

Olivia was at work sitting in her office looking over a file.She heard a knock on the door and it was Abby. When Abby walked in she had a big smile on her face.

"Yes Abby." Olivia said still looking at the file.

"So how was it"Abby said sitting down and taking the file out of her hand.

"Abby, we have work to do."Olivia said through chuckles.

"So,I want to know,Come on Liv your glowing."

"Abby I don't know what to tell you.We had dinner at his house that's it."Olivia said walking out her office.

"Liv something happened,did he kiss you?"

"Ok so we kissed."

Olivia hated when she told Abby about a guy.She likes to ask a billion questions about them.

Olivia had to get to the bottom of this file.There is a man named Tyler Stone who is married.He is trying to get out of his marriage.His wife is trying to blackmail him if he divorces her.

"So,what do we have on Mr.Stone?"Olivia asked

"He is trying to get a divorce from his wife.He is football player."Quinn said

"His wife had an affair with someone. She is a lawyer."Harrison said

"What's her name?"Olivia asked


"Wait who?"Olivia said cutting off Harrison

"His wife her name is Hannah,Olivia is everything ok?"Harrison said walking towards her.

"I'm fine" Olivia said walking away from Harrison.

"We don't have to take this case Liv" Abby said

"Were taking this case and i'm going to ruin her career."Olivia said walking back into her office.

4 Minutes later at the office......

It was late at the office.Olivia has to go pick up Oli from Edison which will give her a chance to ask him if he knew about hannah being married.Olivia's phone started to ring.When she saw who it was she calmed down a little.She answered on the second ring.

"Hi" she heard.

"Hi" she said

Olivia could never get tired of his voice.She loved him but she didn't want to rush into things with him.She loved him to much to wait.

"What are you up to" Fitz asked.

"About to leave work to pick up my son."

"Are you off tomorrow?"

"No, why?"

"I wanted to hang out tomorrow."

"I'm sorry,But we can have lunch together."

"Ok I can see what's on my schedule, what time should I pick you up."

"You can come at 1 tomorrow."

"Ok see you at 1."

"See you"

"Liv" She heard before she hung up the phone.


"I Love you"

"I love you too" She said with a smile on her face.

The call ended ad she was on her way to Edison's.

Later at Edison's........

Olivia was sitting in Edison's house.He was in the kitchen getting them some wine.His son was upstairs in his room playing.

Edison came back with their glasses.

"So Liv you wanted to talk."He said while taking a seat across from her.

"Yeah,it's just a quick question."She said before taking a sip of her wine.

"Ok, what is it?"

"Did you know that Hannah was married?"Olivia said taking a sip of her wine.

"No,I didn't know she was married.

"Edison don't lie to me"

"I'm not lying Liv."

"Wow this is gonna be good."

"Why what's going on?"

Olivia filled him in on what was going on.After Olivia filled him in she went and got Oli and left.


It was Wednesday morning and she woke up to her son lying on her chest.She doesn't remember when he got there but she felt comfortable.She loved her son so much he was her light, he was her prince, her one and only.

"Oli,baby wake up" Olivia said giving him a kiss on his forehead.

He just stirred a little but didn't wake up.Olivia called him again until he woke up.

"Goodmorning baby."

"Goodmorning mommy"

"Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah,I had a nightmare but when I got in here I felt better." Oli said moving to sit beside her.

Olivia was so in love at how attached he was to her.

"Are you hungry?"Olivia said getting up and putting on her robe.

"Yeah can we have pancakes"He said smiling

"We can,come on I know you want to help me cook." she said holding out her hand.

Few minutes later......

Olivia dropped Oli off at school and was on her way to the office.A few hours passed and it was almost time for her lunch with Fitz.

There was a knock on the door and it was Huck.

"Yes Huck." Olivia said

"There is someone here for you."

"Bring them in"

When he left Fitz walked in.He was looking good in his light blue button up shirt and khakis,and he smelled really good.When he walked in he had picnic basket,Olivia was confused.He could tell that this was not what she was planning on doing,but he insured her that it would be fun.

They left and made it to the park.

"I was not expecting this Fitz"Olivia said sitting on the blanket.

"I know but I wanted to do something kinda fun."

They talked about work,kids,life,a little bit of everything.

"Have you always been so romantic?"Olivia asked

He leaned in and whispered in her ear and said "Only for you Livvie."

Olivia melted.She felt so numb feeling his breath against her ear.

"Is that so"She said with a smile.

"Yeah, and I'll do anything for you and I'll do anything to you if you let me. " He said still whispering in her ear.

Olivia turned her head and looked in his eyes when he said that.His eyes were grey and full of love for her.It looked like he wanted to jump on her right then and there.She wanted him to but she was trying to take it slow.

"Fitz were in public."She said smiling.


"Fitz,we need to take it slow ok.I love you but I feel like we are moving too fast let's just take it slow ok."She said putting her hand on his cheek.

"Ok Liv" He said giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

They enjoyed the rest of their lunch and then packed up.Olivia went back to the office and finished her day.

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