Planning Pt2

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Friday, January 21.....

Olivia and Fitz have talked about having their wedding in the middle of February. They found a new wedding planner named James. He was a very nice guy. He was married to a man named Cyrus and they had a little girl name ella. She was the same age as the twins.

"What colors are you two thinking of?" James said

"We still want the colors to be red and gold." Olivia said.

"What date are you two thinking of?"

"February 14, Valentine's day" Olivia said then looked at Fitz.

Fitz gave Olivia a smile then a kiss on the cheek. Fitz was letting Olivia plan the whole thing. He wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams. He wanted her to have everything that she wanted.

"Is the wedding still going to be in Maui?"

"No, we are going to have it here in DC then we will go to Maui for our honeymoon." Olivia said.

"Okay, and who is coming?"

Olivia listed everyone that was coming. Fitz heard cries coming from the baby monitor. Fitz went to go get Bella. The twins were getting bigger everyday. They are now crawling and getting into everything, they almost know how to talk.

Fitz came back with Bella. She just wanted to be held and needed some attention.

"Sorry about that" Fitz said when he came back down.

"No everything is fine, she is a beautiful girl. How many kids do you have?" James asked.

"We have six kids in all." Fitz said.

"Wow, you two must have a lot of fun around here."

"Yeah we do."

They talked a little bit more than James left. Olivia took Bella and fed her. Then Fitz went to get Bri. Ever since it hit January Olivia and Fitz have been trying to get then to talk. Fitz sat Bri on the floor. Olivia put Bella beside her.

"Okay Bri can you say mama?" Olivia said

Bri just sat there looking at her.

"Mama" Olivia said again.

They would do that for a few minutes. Then Fitz would try.

"Can you say dada?" Fitz said to Bella.

Bella just smiled and giggled but didn't say anything. They would try other words like baba. It was almost lunch time and it was almost time to go get the kids. Olivia put the twins on their play mat with a bunch of toys. Olivia went to the kitchen to start dinner.

Saturday Afternoon.....

"Where do you want to have your wedding?" James asked.

James would come almost everyday. Olivia and Fitz wanted to get all the planning out the way. All they needed was to set a location and had to get dresses and invitations out.

"We were thinking maybe the backyard of our house." Olivia said then looked at Fitz then back at James.

"Okay, we can do that." James said and put that in his notebook. "When are you getting fitted for your dress?"

"Maybe tomorrow or Monday."

"What color will the dress be and tuxedos?"

"The dress will be white and for the tuxedos i'm thinking red and black"

"Okay, that's all for today. Call me when you get your dress and when you have and idea of what you want to do for the backyard. You also need to get rings for the wedding." James said and gave Olivia a hug then shook Fitz's hand.

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