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Olivia ended up finishing work early,so she went to pick up Oli from Edison's early.She told Edison that she was coming but he told her that he wasn't home but Jade was there.When she got to Edison's house she rung the doorbell but no one answered,She rung it again and there was still no answer.She turned the doorknob and it was surprisingly unlocked.Olivia walked in and didn't hear anything.She was walking up the stairs to Oli's room to see if he was asleep.When she got close to the door she heard little cries coming from his room.When she walked in she saw him on the floor with no shirt on and he looked like he was beaten.Olivia ran towards him and when she got close he flinched and started crying again.

"Oli baby it's mommy you are going to be ok, what happened"She said trying to move his hair out of his to see his eyes.

"T-That lady was hurting me."He said through tears.

Olivia was struggling to get her phone out of her purse because she was afraid and angry.Olivia never really trusted Jade that.

"Do you know where she is?"She said picking him up gently and putting him on his bed.


Olivia took pictures of her son so she could have proof just in case Jade was gonna lie.Olivia didn't know what to do she wanted to find that bitch and kill her but she needed to be there for her child.Olivia went to call Edison while she was in the ambulance.

"Olivia are you ok?" "Are those sirens? "Where are you?" Is what Edison asked she told him where she was and where she was going.She sent him pictures of Oli and he lost it.

"THAT BITCH" Is what Olivia heard when she was finished.He told her that he was on the way.Then Olivia called Abby to let her know what happened and that she was not going to able to come to work for awhile.They finally made it to the hospital.Olivia was trying to keep her son calm and herself calm but it wasn't working.They finally made it to the room and got Oli hooked up to a lot of machines.He was having a hard time breathing.Olivia could not keep herself together.When everything calmed down,Oli was asleep in his bed they gave him some medicine to help him go to sleep.Edison came in like a madman and ran over to his son's bed.Olivia got up and sat him down so he could compose himself.Once he calmed down he finally said,"Is he gonna be ok?"

"Yes,the doctor said he is fine he has a bunch of bruises on his body. She also said he wont be here long but he should stay at home for a couple of weeks,until he heals.What the hell is wrong with her?Why would she do that to him? Olivia said breaking down into tears.

"Liv you need to be here for Oliver,he needs you ok,I will handle jade and the situation."He said giving her a hug."He got up and went outside to make some calls.

Olivia doesn't know how this whole day went left.She was having a picnic with Fitz now she was at the hospital with her son.She went and layed down beside her son and started to sing to him a little bit.

It all can get so out of control sometimes

You can lose your faith, you can lose your mind

Lose your grip, get stripped of your pride

Till you don't know how you're gonna stay alive

And this world can throw you over the track sometimes

Your friends can stab you in the back

Sometimes you just break down

When this life tries to wreck you, I protect you yeah

I got your back, I got you

I take your side, I lay my life down for you

I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame

Take the bullet, take the blows, I would take all the pain

Anything, anything that you gotta get through

Hey, hey, I got you

Hey, hey, I got you

When she finished she felt him move and she started to cry again.He hasn't moved all night and to actually feel him move beside her she was so happy.She went to get off the bed but Oli wouldn't let her.He grabbed her hand and said

"Mommy don't go."

"Baby i'm not going anywhere ok."She said as she layed back down beside him.

When Edison walked in he wanted to cry again,to see his ex-wife and his son together was the best thing ever.He went to give his son a kiss and then walked over to Olivia side and told her that he had to go and he will be back tomorrow.She shook her head ok and then went to sleep with her son.

The Next Morning.......

Olivia woke up still in the hospital bed with Oli.She ended up slipping out of his grip.When she got up Olivia texted Abby and asked if she could bring her some comfortable clothes.Then Olivia called Fitz. He answered on the third ring.

"Hi" he said

"Hi" she said almost wanting to cry again just from hearing his voice.

"Olivia are you ok?" he asked

She didn't say anything.


"I'm fine, I wanted to call because I wanted to hear your voice."

"Ok,Where are you do want me to come over?"

"I'm at the hospital"

"Liv there is nothing fine about that, what happened?"

"My ex-husband's girlfriend beat our son"

"Liv i'm sorry to hear that,will it be ok if I came to see you and him?"

"Sure,that would be nice."

"Ok i'm on the way." When he said that Abby walked in with a bag of clothes.

"Ok see you when you get here." She said hanging up the phone.

Olivia was kinda nervous about letting Oli meet Fitz.

Abby stayed with Oli while Olivia changed. When Olivia was done she changed and sat beside Abby and they talked.Oli was still asleep.She the medicine that he was taking didn't make him sleep to much but she knew that he need some rest.A few minutes went by and Olivia heard a knock at the door when she looked it was Fitz he had flowers and a toy car.He gave Olivia a hug and gave her the flowers.He went to the side of the bed and almost cried but held the tears back.Olivia and Fitz were talking when she heard her son call her.

"Mommy when can I eat?" He asked trying to sit up but was unsuccessful.

She went over to his bed to help him and called in the nurse and told her that he was hungry.Olivia looked back at fitz and then looked back at her son,she knew it was now or never to introduce them to each other.Olivia gave Fitz a look to come over to the bed.

"Oli baby this is Fitz he is friend of mine."

"Hi buddy,I brought you something."Fitz said giving Oliver the toy car.

"Hi,He said."

When Fitz gave him the car.His face lit up it was a car that was controlled with a remote and it could transform into a action figure.He was so happy and that made Olivia smile.The nurse came in and gave Oli his food.Fitz told Oli that he had a son about his age and that one day they should hang out one day.The two caught up with each other until fitz got a phone call and he had to leave.The doctor came in after Fitz left.

"Hi Ms.Pope"

"Hi"Olivia said standing up.

"So Oliver will be able to leave tomorrow morning.He needs to stay in for the rest of the week then he can try to move around and he should be back to normal."

"Ok,thank you doctor.

A/N: The song is called I got you By,Ciara

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