Welcome Twins

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Four Months Later....

"Olivia breath in and out" Fitz told her.

Olivia looked at him "You go suck a dick"

Fitz smiled at her. His smiled disappeared when she squeezed his hand. They have been in the hospital for an 1 hour and Olivia has been trying to push out the other baby for 30 minutes.


Olivia was home with Fitz she was in the bathroom getting dressed. Fitz was still asleep. Olivia was about to do her hair when her water broke.

"FITZ!" Olivia screamed

Fitz piped up and ran to the bathroom. He saw Olivia holding her stomach and she was standing in a puddle.


"MY WATER JUST BROKE!" She said in pain.

Fitz put on a shirt and help her downstairs. The hospital bag was by the door just in case anything happened.

"FUCKKKK" She screamed on the way to the car.

"Liv you're gonna be ok" Fitz was nervous. He has been through this three times but it surprised him every time. When Olivia was going through her mood swings they were bad. He was afraid of what will happen while she was having the baby.

End Of Flashback....

"Ok Olivia I need you to push"The doctor told her.

Olivia shook her head and started to push. Then she looked at FItz. "I can't do it."

"Yes you can Olivia I believe in you." He wiped the sweat off her forehead and kissed it.

"Ok Olivia she is almost here, One more push."

Olivia pushed again. She heard crying. Fitz gave her a kiss and let go of her hand. Olivia looked up and saw Fitz cut the umbilical cord. She smiled. Fitz came back holding one baby and the doctor gave Olivia the other. They were born August 6th, Bri was born at 4:59 pm and Bella was born at 5:00 pm. The baby Fitz was holding started to yawn. She opened her eyes. She had brown eyes like Olivia. Bri moved a little and opened her eyes, she had blue eyes like Fitz. Fitz tried to give Bella to Olivia but she started to cry.

"I guess that's Isabella" Olivia said smiling.

"Why do you say that?" He said rocking her back and forth.

"One you came up with the name and she is already attached to you."

Fitz laughed "Ok"

The nurse came in. "Ok Olivia it's time to try breast feeding." She said.


The nurse took Gabrielle out of Olivia's arms. Gabriella started to cry.

"Bri's a momma's girl" Fitz teased.

"So" She said smiling. Olivia pulled the top of her gown down. The nurse gave Olivia Bri. Bri latched on really quickly. After a while it was Bella's turn, she didn't latch on at first but when she tried again she latched on.

The nurse put the two baby's down so they could sleep and so Fitz and Olivia could get some rest.

Few Hours Later....

Olivia was holding Bella. She was was crying for awhile but when Olivia put her on her chest she stopped. Fitz went to get them some food.

They heard some knocks at the door.

"Come in" Olivia said.

When the door opened it was Abby with all the kids. Oliver was the first to run to the side of the bed.

"Is that my sister?" He asked.

"Yes baby you wanna hold her?"

He shook his head. Abby helped him hold her. Bella was so calm with him. Teddy came over and sat beside Oliver. Then Teddy held her for a while. Olivia looked at Karen and Jerry and they had Bri.

"Teddy and Oliver that's your sister Isabella, and Karen and Jerry that is your sister Gabriella."

Fitz came into the room with food for him and Olivia. He looked over and saw Teddy and Oliver with Isabella. It was so nice to see them interact with her. Fitz gave her the food and sat beside her.

"So Abby how is work?" Olivia asked.

"It is crazy with you not there, but I know that I can handle it" Abby said holding Bri.

"When are you coming home mom" Teddy said.

"Soon, maybe tomorrow."


Everyone stayed a little longer until Teddy and Oliver started to get sleepy. After they left, there was another knock at the door"

"Come in" Olivia said.

When the door opened it was Fitz's parents and siblings.

"What are you guys doing here?" Fitz said getting up giving them all a hug.

"We came to see our nieces" Carly said.

"And our granddaughters" Big Jerry said.

"Well this is Gabriella" Olivia said rubbing her back.

Carly went over and picked her up. Bri started to cry a little bit but she stopped.

"This is daddy's little girl Isabella." Fitz said picking her up.

"Awww she is so pretty" Jane said taking her out of Fitz's arms.

"So how is Emma." Olivia asked.

"She is good, we just had a baby boy so it is pretty exciting." Garrett said.

"That's great"

"So how long are y'all staying down here?" Fitz asked.

"Today and tomorrow" Carly said.

Bri started to cry and it was time for her to eat and soon later it would be time for Bella to eat. Olivia fed Bri and Bella and they went to sleep right after their feeding. Olivia was getting tired so everyone left.

The Next Day.....

"Ok Ms.Pope you are all set to leave." The doctor said.

"Thank you."

"No problem"

When the doctor left Olivia put on a t-shirt and jeans. Olivia fed the twins before they left. When they got home they were greeted by the kids. Olivia and Fitz took Bri and Bella to their nursery. Olivia put them down and went to bed. Fitz went downstairs and made dinner for tonight. It was 10:00 when Olivia woke up. Olivia went to check on the twins and they were still asleep. Olivia grabbed the baby monitor and went downstairs. She went to the kitchen to see Fitz cooking. Olivia wrapped her hands around him and laid her head on his back.

"I see you're finally awake." Fitz said

"Be quiet" She said.

Fitz turned the stove off and turned around. He gave her a kiss and went to set table.

"Are your parents coming tonight?" She asked starting to help him.

"Yeah before they leave."

"Ok, I'll go get the kids" Olivia said before going upstairs. As soon as Olivia went upstairs Fitz got a text message. "Hey daddy." The message read.  

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