Wedding Plans

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Few weeks Later.....

Olivia was in the kitchen making breakfast. Fitz was getting ready for work and the kids were getting ready for their first day of school. Oli was going to the 5th grade and Teddy was going to the 4th grade. Jerry and Karen were seniors. When Olivia was done cooking she went to check on the twins before she got the kids and Fitz. When she went to the Teddy and Oli's room they were dressed and playing with toys.

"Time to eat" Olivia said when she peeked into their room.

"Ok mom" They both said at the same time.

Olivia went to Karen's room. Karen was putting on makeup and doing her hair, she wasn't dressed yet. Olivia walked in and sat on Karen's bed.

"You can't find anything to wear?" Olivia said looking around the room that had clothes everywhere.

"No, I already wore half of this stuff and dad won't take me shopping." Karen said.

"Well you know you can always ask me."


"Yeah we can go after you get out of school."

"You are the best mom ever." Karen said getting up and giving Olivia a hug.

Olivia was surprised that Karen called her mom, but it made her happy to hear them call her mom.

"Thank you, so get dressed and breakfast is ready." Olivia said.

Olivia walked out of Karen's room. Jerry was walking out of his room.

"Good Morning" Olivia said to Jerry.

"Morning Liv"

Jerry was the only one that hasn't called her mom yet. "Breakfast is ready downstairs"

"Okay" Jerry walked past her and went downstairs.

Olivia went to her room where Fitz was still getting dressed.

"How long does it take a grown man to get ready?" Olivia teased.

"Very funny Liv, I had to change my suit because Bell spit up on the other one."

"Awwwww poor baby." Olivia said walking to him and helping him with his tie.

Fitz gave Olivia a kiss. "So what are you gonna do today since you kinda have the house to yourself."

"Abby is coming over so that's probably it, and i'm taking Karen shopping"

"Come on Liv, she doesn't need anymore clothes." Fitz said

"Come on Fitz pleaseeeee" Olivia begged.

"How am I supposed to say no to that"

"Your not suppose to say no"

Fitz chuckled and gave Olivia a kiss.

"Breakfast is ready, the kids are already downstairs"

"Okay" Fitz gave her another kiss.

They both went downstairs. The were almost done eating.

"You guys couldn't wait for me?" Fitz said.

"Nope, Liv's eggs are the best" Jerry said.

"I was really hungry" Karen said.

"Me too" Teddy said.

"Me three" Oli said.

Olivia just laughed at all of them. Olivia was making Teddy and Oli's lunch.

"So are you ready to be a 5th grader Oli?" Fitz asked.

"Kinda" Oli said.

"Well you're going to great this year like every school year." Olivia said.

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