This is why I love you

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When Fitz got home everyone was asleep. He took his shower and got in bed with Olivia. He was glad that she wasn't awake. He knew if he looked at her she would know something was wrong. When he got in bed he put his arm around her and pulled her towards him. He laid his hand on her belly and kissed her shoulder then her neck.

"Fitz" Olivia whispered

"Sorry Liv, I didn't mean to wake you."

She turned so she was now facing him. She gave him a kiss on the lips then put her head on his chest and went back to sleep.

The Next Morning......

Fitz got a phone call from Abby that morning. She told him that they had more information on Olivia's mother. Fitz got out of bed and got dressed. He gave Olivia a kiss before he left.

"Fitz" He heard before he left the room. "Where are you going?" Olivia asked.

"Abby needs help with something." He said telling half of the truth.

"At....6:00 a.m"

"I know, but she didn't tell me what it was but I will be back." He said hoping that was enough.

"Okay. Don't be gone too long."

"I won't" he said then walked back to the bed and gave her another kiss.

At the office....

"What is it" Fitz said as he walked into the conference room.

When he walked in he could not believe what he saw. It was Olivia's mom sitting in front of him. She looked just liked Olivia but older.

"Abby can I speak to you for a moment" Fitz said walking to her office.

"How the.....what the...?" Fitz started then took a breath. "How the hell did you get her here?"

"Well Huck traced the phone she called Jade with and we found her and we brought her here."

"Did she say why she was here?"

"No not yet. I wanted you to come before we asked."

"I don't like this at all...we need to call Olivia." Fitz said pulling out his phone.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Abby said snacting his phone out of his hand.

"I'm calling my wife because she needs to know that her mom is alive. She will be excited that she is alive. But she will most definitely be pissed at you because you kept this away from her and that you brung me into this." He said then taking his phone out of her hand and calling Olivia.

Abby rolled her eyes and left the office.


"Hey baby. Can you come to OPA?"

"Sure, is everything okay?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah everything is fine."

"Okay i'm on my way." She said then hung up the phone.

Fitz was nervous about this whole thing. He took a breath before he left out of the office.

"Olivia is on her way." Fitz said then looked at Maya. "How are you alive, where have you been all her life?" He wasn't angry he was just very confused on why she would come back now.

"I have been locked away by my ex-husband Eli." Maya said.

"Why?" Abby asked.

"He had a organization called B613. They were like spys, they tortured and assassinated people. They would cover it up by making it look like they commited suicide. I told Eli if he didn't shut it down then I would tell the police. I was trying to protect Olivia from all this." Maya said. "He put me on a plane to London where I stayed, he told me if I said a word to anyone or tried to fly back he would hurt me and Olivia and I didn't want that for Olivia. He gave me a fake name, Marie Wallace. When I left he told Olivia that I was killed in an accident when she was 12." Maya said.

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