What to do?

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A/N: Nothing really bad will happen I promise.

Fitz looked at the message again to make sure he didn't read that wrong. His phone buzzed again, it was a picture of a girl in a red lace bra and a matching thong. He didn't know what to do. He also didn't want to tell Olivia because he didn't need her stressing out over this. Fitz just continued to set up the table. when he finished setting the table the there was a knock at the door.

"Coming" Fitz said before opening the door.

When he opened the door it was his mom, dad, sister, brother, and sister-in-law.

"Hey, come in" He gave gave everyone a hug. Olivia came downstairs with the kids. She just finished feeding the girls. She gave everyone a hug and sat beside Fitz at the table.

"So who made all of this? It looks very good." Big Jerry said.

"I did dad" Fitz said. Fitz was a little agitated. He couldn't get that message out of his head.

"Are you ok babe?"Olivia whispered.

"I'm fine." He said back to her.

"Can you excuse me for a minute, Garrett can I speak with you?" Fitz said standing up.

"Okay" Garrett said confused.

Fitz and Garrett went to a room away from the kitchen.

"Whats up Fitz?" Garrett asked.

"I got a message from my assistant"

"So..." Garrett said before Fitz showed him the picture.

"I don't know what to do, I want to tell Liv but I don't want her stressing over some other girl." Fitz said

"Well you have to tell her, because if you don't then you will make the situation worse. If you stop her now then one day she will end up texting you and Olivia will find out and... you know what will happen." Garrett said.

"Ok i'll tell her after dinner. Thanks. But i'm still nervous."

"Don't be if you really love her you let her know and if she really loves you she will understand."

They went back to the dining room and ate. Olivia was confused but she would ask him later. They ate dinner and enjoyed their family.

Few minutes later.....

Olivia and Fitz were getting ready for bed. Olivia watched Fitz, he still wasn't his normal self. She went to the girls room and fed them. She was rocking Bri. Fitz came in later to rock Bella. They were rocking them until they went to sleep. Olivia put Bri in her crib then put Bella in her crib. They went back to their room and laid down. They were back to back.

"Liv" Fitz whispered.

"Yes" she said turning around.

"I need to tell you something"

"Ok, what is it?" She asked sitting up.

"So I got a text" he started while sitting up.

"Ok?" She said confused.

"And it was my assistant"

"Are you talking about the 29 year girl, who is always wearing clothes that are too tight?" She asked.

"Yeah, are you mad?" He asked worried.

"Yeah, but i'm glad you told me."

"I mean I wasn't at first but...."

"Well you know I think you should get rid of her before anything gets out of hand."

"I understand but...."

"There is no but's Fitz, we have kids together, and a family to take care of." She said cutting him off.

"I know Liv"

"Ok, goodnight" She gave him a kiss and laid down. Olivia was mad but she didn't think there was a need to be mad at him, it wasn't his fault. At least he told her. Fitz was surprised on how she took it. He looked at her then laid down.

The Next Morning.....

Fitz woke up to a empty bed. He got up to check the twins room. She wasn't there, then he went to ask the kids.

"Where's Liv?" He asked Jerry.

"She went to the store." He said.

"Ok, how long has she been gone?"

"Maybe a hour."

Before Fitz could say anything he heard the door open. He went downstairs to help her with the bags.

"Morning Liv" He said giving her a kiss and taking some bags from her.


Olivia put the bags down and started to put things up. Fitz helped her. When they finished Fitz went to take a shower so he could get ready for work. Olivia checked on the twins. She played with them for a while and then fed them. Olivia was in the rocking chair rocking Bella. Fitz came in and gave Olivia, Bella, and Bri a kiss. Then he left for work. Fitz was in his office. He was looking at his meetings. He heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" He said not looking up.

His assistant walked in, her name was Sam "Sir, you wanted to see me?" Sam said.

"Oh yes, come in we need to talk."

"Ok" she walked to a chair that sat in front of his desk.

"So I wanted to talk about what you sent me. That was very....."

There was a knock at the door.

"Yes" Fitz said.

The door opened and Olivia walked in.


"Hey babe." She said and walked over and gave him a kiss.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, if you're busy I can go."

"No, no, stay."


Olivia went and sat on couch that was in his office.

"Ok so Sam I wanted to say that the things you sent me was very inappropriate"

"Sir, I'm very sorry it won't happen again" Sam said.

"I know it won't happen again because you are....fired" Fitz said.

"Ok, I knew this was gonna happen. It was great working with you." She said standing up and shaking his hand.

Fitz stood up and shook her hand. When Sam left he walked over to Olivia.

"Are you here just to see what was going to happen?"


Fitz laughed. "You know I love you and I would do anything to keep you."

"I know" She said and gave him a kiss.

Fitz moved Olivia so she was straddling him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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