How it happend

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"Oliver" Olivia called for her son.

"Coming mom"

Oliver Christian Pope is Olivia's 9 years old, He has pretty brown eyes, he has beautiful black hair. He looks just like his mom. Olivia has been divorced for the past 3 years. She was married to a guy named Edison. Olivia was 26 when they got married, she was pregnant with Oliver at the age of 28 They were married for about 11 years. The divorce was very tragic.


"Edison where are my keys" Olivia said looking in the couch cushions.

"I don't know"

"Found them" Olivia said holding up her keys.

"Where are you going anyway?" Edison asked confused.

"I'm going to the grocery store and i'm taking Oli with me"

"Oh ok, you know he is gonna ask for something Liv"

"He's a 6 year old boy"


"I can handle him ok, trust me" she said giving him a kiss.


"Oli" Olivia called for her son.

"Yeah mom."

"Come on we are about to leave."


"We will see you later" she said to Edison.

"Bye sweetie and bye kid" Edison said as he kissed her goodbye and rubbed his son's head.

When Olivia left Edison's phone ringed. Edison was talking to his co-worker Hannah behind Olivia's back she never payed attention to it because she always thought it was about work. He answered the phone.

"Hey Eddie" Hannah said.

"Hey babe"

"What are you up to"


"Are you home alone?"

"Yeah Liv took Oli to the store, I don't know how long they are gonna be gone"

"Can I come over?"

"Sure" Edison said with a grin on his face knowing what was about to happen"

A few minutes later......

The doorbell rang and he knew exactly who it was.He opened the door to a brown haired girl with Light brown eyes and she was small like Olivia.Hannah step in and dropped her jacket. Edison was smiling ear to ear when he saw that she didn't have on anything under her jacket. The thing about Olivia Edison they had sex but it wasn't constant he wanted it every night like they used to do it, Olivia didn't want to she would say she was either too tired or wasn't in the mood. Edison just wanted to do it like before they had Oli. Olivia caught Edison once with another girl, but he hasn't done it in a while.

"You like what you see?" she said with a wide grin on her face.

"Hell yeah" He said before picking her up and taking her upstairs to his bed.

"Mommy can I get this please please." Oliver said as he walked past a monster truck.

"You know the drill you ask for one toy that is the only thing you get" Olivia said looking at food on the shelf.

"I know" Oliver said as he put the toy in the cart.

They finished getting groceries and was on their way home. They got home and Olivia saw a car that she didn't notice in the driveway. She let Oliver out and he went to play with his truck outside. Olivia unlocked the door and say a jacket on the ground that wasn't hers.She called out to see where Edison was but he didn't answer. She was walking up the stairs and was thinking he was probably sleeping. When Olivia opened the door to her bedroom, she saw Edison and Hannah asleep in their bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY FUCKING BED?!" Olivia screamed waking both of them up.

"Baby It is not what you think." Edison said as he got out the bed.

"What to do you mean it's not what you think, I THINK YOU ARE IN OUR BED WITH YOUR WHORE OF A CO-WORKER."

"Olivia i'm sorry" Hannah said as she was trying to get the sheets over her body.

"Bitch you better get out of my house before I beat your ass!"

"Babe calm down" Edison said while walking closer to her.

"FUCK YOU EDISON! You have the nerve to bring her into this house and we have a child together, what if Oli came up here and saw you and that bitch.

"Liv i'm sorry" Edison got closer and tried to touch her but she moved away.

"You know what, I'm leaving, have as many of those whores in your house because we are done!" Liv said getting a suitcase and putting clothes in her bag and then going into Oli's room to get clothes for him too.

"Liv look I know you're pissed but don't do this" Edison said as his voice cracked.

"Edison get the HELL out of my face because I am not gonna let my son be around some cheating bastard."


"Go to hell Edison" She said as she walked down the stairs with suitcases.

Olivia walked outside and put the bags in the car.She got Oli in the car and she sped out the driveway before Edinson could get out the door.

"Mommy where are we going"

"Baby we are gonna stay with Aunt Abby,ok" Olivia said with tears in her eyes.

"Ok mommy, are you crying?"

"No baby i'm fine try and take nap ok." Olivia said trying to hold back her tears.

"Ok" Oli said as he put his head down."

Olivia went to Abby's house, she put Oli down for bed then filled her in on what happened. Abby said she and little Oli can stay for however long they needed to.Olivia's phone kept ringing, it was Edison she ignored him.

She went into the bathroom and had a break down, Abby went there and comforted her.

"How could he do this, he has a son?" Olivia said through sobs.

"Liv he is an asshole, He does not know how to treat a lady because he has to be the biggest Idiot in the world to cheat on a women like you." Abby said holding Olivia.

"I should have left him the first time"

"Liv don't beat yourself down about this, come on you need some sleep ok." Abby said helping Olivia up.

"You're right, thanks Abby."

"You don't have to thank me Liv"

The Next Morning.....

Olivia woke up to her son beside her still asleep. She knew she was gonna have to explain to him, but she didn't want to do it now.She gave Oliver a kiss and went to brush her teeth. She checked her phone she had 20 missed calls and 39 unread messages, Edison has been trying to call her. She read some of the messages and all they said was : Liv im sorry, please call me, baby come home, can I see my son? Olivia just ignored them and went downstairs to start breakfast.

7 Weeks Later.....

"So Olivia wants full custody over your child, she wants $480,000 she doesn't want anything else from you." Edison's lawyer said.

"Okay" Edison said as he signed the papers, he didn't want to put up a fight it was bad enough that he was gonna barely get to see his child now.

"Thanks Mr.Davis"

"No problem"

End of Flashback......

"Come on Oli your dad is waiting"

"I'm coming" Oli was coming down with his bags.

He was staying with his dad for a few days. Olivia had to work a little longer than usual so she just asked Edison to watch him for a while. Olivia was a crisis manager. It was her and Abby at first but then they hired a few more people, Huck, Harrison, Quinn, and Marcus. She had the best job ever she had the best team ever.

"Love you baby, don't forget to call me" Olivia said as she kissed his head.

"Ok mom love you too" He kissed her cheek before he left.

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