Back on track

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Olivia has been debating on doing this. She was sitting in her car in front of her moms house. She was really nervous.

"You got this Olivia, it's your mom....You can talk to her right?" Olivia said to herself. Olivia smiled when she looked in the mirror and saw Bri. She left Bella and Oli with Fitz because he was going to Santa barbara. Oliver wanted to go with the rest of the kids and Olivia needed someone with her to keep her calm. Olivia rubbed her belly then got out the car to get Bri.

Olivia gave Bri a kiss. It took a moment for Olivia to ring the doorbell. When she finally ringed the doorbell fear came crawling in.

"What am I supposed to say to her? What do we talk about?" Olivia asked herself.

When the door opened Oliva put a smile on her face.

"Livia" Maya said with a smile. "It's nice to see you" She said then gave her a hug.

"Hi mom."

"Come in." Maya said standing to the side.

When Olivia walked into the house she felt a lot of memories of her childhood come back to her. She looked around and saw pictures of her as a little girl. She saw a picture of her as a baby and realized how much Isabella looked just like her.

"Are you hungry." Maya asked going into the kitchen.

"No, i'm fine."

"So, how have you been lately?"

"Good, how have you been?"

"Great since I get to see you."

"That's good." Olivia said.

They sat in silence for a while until Maya broke it.

"So how many kids do you and....."

"Fitz." Olivia said.

"Fitz right."

"We have two girls, this is Gabriella and Isabella is with Fitz. He is going to Santa Barbara for a few days. We have one on the way too. I have a son named Oliver he is 10 years old. Fitz has 3 kids. Jerry, Karen, and Theodore but everyone calls him Teddy." Olivia said.

"I can't wait until I get to meet all of them" Maya said with a smile.

Olivia smiled back at her.

Hours Later......

A few hours passed by and Olivia felt a lot better talking to her mom. She felt like their relationship never ended. Bri felt comfortable around Maya and that made Olivia happier. Olivia was happy to gain this relationship back with her mom.

On the way home Olivia called Fitz. "Hi" Oliva heard him whisper.

"Hi" She responded. "Where are you?"

"In my room. Bella is in here she wouldn't stop crying so I laid her in here with me."

"Oh okay, give her a kiss for me."

"I will. Give one to Bri for me." "So how was it with your mom?"

"It's was actually really good. It felt like our relationship was never lost after all these years."

"That's good"

"I miss you." Olivia said.

"I miss you too Livvie. Go home and get some sleep I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too Livvie, Goodnight"

"Goodnight." Olivia said then hung up the phone.

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