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Christmas Eve....

Olivia and Fitz were in the mall getting gifts for the kids. Karen, Jerry and Teddy were going to spend Christmas at their mom's. Teddy wasn't really happy about leaving Oli. Oli was staying and his dad would bring his presents to the house.

"Karen will love this" Olivia said as she looked through some fabric. Olivia wanted to get Karen some things for her designs. She wanted her to start making her own outfits and have a feel for it before she went to college.

Fitz was trying to calm Bri down. She hasn't been feeling too good for the past three days. Oli was playing with Bella while they shopped.

After Olivia got everything for the kids they went home. Olivia gave Bri the medicine the doctor gave her then gave her a bottle. Bella was already asleep. Fitz and Olivia were in their bedroom wrapping gifts. Olivia was going to leave with Abby in about a hour to go shopping for Fitz. After they wrapped the gifts Fitz went to take the kids to their mom's house. Olivia called Abby to come pick her up early since Fitz was gone and he had all the kids with him.

Back at the mall...

"I don't know what he wants" Olivia said. She didn't know what to get him. She didn't want the gift to be simple. She wanted to give him something that no one else could.

"What does he like, or what was something that he stopped doing?" Abby asked.

"He used to play the guitar, he used to surf and he used to love to play videogames."

"Well get those things for him." Abby said as they walked into a music store.

They went to all the stores to get Fitz's presents then went home. Fitz wasn't home yet so she wrapped the gifts before he got home. Olivia had just finished the last gift when she heard the door open. She heard a crying Bri. Olivia went and took her from Fitz. Fitz had Bella in his other arm asleep. Oliver went into the living room and watched tv. As soon as Bri touched Olivia she put her head down and fell asleep. Olivia grabbed a blanket and sat on the couch with her. Fitz put Bella on the floor with a bunch of toys. Olivia took Bri to her crib because she knew she was going to be sleep for a while. Oliver fell asleep on the couch so Fitz took him to his room and Bella was the only one awake. Olivia fed her and sung to her and she didn't fall asleep. So Olivia stayed up until Bella went to sleep which was until Midnight.

Christmas Day....

Fitz's family was coming to spend Christmas with them. Fitz and Olivia put the rest of their gifts that they bought for everyone under the tree. The doorbell rang and Fitz went to open it. He was greeted with hugs and kisses. Olivia went to wake Oli up then she got Bri and Bella and went downstairs. Olivia sat them on their play mat. She gave everyone a hug and kiss. Then there was a knock at the door. Olivia went to open it, when she opened the door. Abby, David, Huck, Quinn, Marcus, and Harrison. She gave them hugs and they all went to the living room.

Oli was looking at the people in front of him. He loved that he had a family now.

"Let's open some gifts." Abby said holding up her bags of gifts.

They let Oli open up his gifts. He he got a bike, A few video games, a DS, some clothes and shoes, and money. Olivia opened the gifts that were for the twins. They got a bunch of outfits and toys. There was a knock at the door again. Fitz went to open it. When he opened the door it was Edison. Edison gave Fitz the gifts he got for Oli and left. Edison had a flight to catch. He was going to spend Christmas with his family. Fitz took the gifts to Oli he opened them. He got a headphones, a football, nerf guns, and a phone.

"Where did Edison go?" Olivia said only so Fitz could hear her.

"He had to catch a flight. He said he was going to have Christmas with his family."

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