Welcome Baby Grant

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A/N: I know I know, I've been gone for like forever. But i'm back for a little bit. I'm planning on this being the last chapter. But don't get sad there will be a sequel in the future. And Now I will have my full attention on Thank you Officer. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

9 Months Later.....

It was January the 5th. New years had passed and the kids were growing up fast. Oli turned 11, Teddy was now 10 and the twins turned 1. Jerry was leaving for college in two weeks, and Karen is about to graduate. Oli just started middle school, he was liking it so far. The twins can walk and they can talk now.

Olivia was in bed watching tv when she realized they haven't picked a name for the baby and he was due in 5 days. Fitz was asleep beside her. She was gonna wake him up but he worked hard today so she got up and went to Oli and Teddy's room.

"Boys" Olivia said as she knocked on the door.

"Come in mom." Oli said.

"Can I ask you two a quick a question?"

"Sure" Teddy said.

"Do you two have any name suggestions for baby Grant?"

"Ooohhh I was thinking Max" Oliver said.

"I like that name, What about you Ted?"

"Ummmm.... I think we should name him after dad, and we could call him Four since he is the fourth of the Grants."

Olivia smiled at that. She loved the name and the idea. "Thanks boys I'll talk to your dad about the names." Olivia said then gave them both kisses.

Olivia went back to her room and got on her phone. The twins were with Maya. Jerry was at football practice, and Karen was out with her friends. Olivia hasn't talked to Abby since the last year. She felt like she did her wrong the last time they talked and she really wanted her friend back. Olivia thought for a moment then dialed Quinn's number.

"Liv?" Quinn said.

"Hey Quinn, are you at work?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Is Abby there?"

"Yeah, is everything okay."

"Yes everything is fine. I'll be over in a few. Don't tell Abby i'm coming either."

"Ummm okay." Quinn said then hung up the phone.

Olivia got up and put some clothes on. She gave Fitz a kiss before she left. She then went to the boys room to tell them where she was going and to tell their dad where she was if he asked. Olivia grabbed a pickle before she left.

Few Minutes Later.....

Olivia arrived at OPA. She was surprised Abby hasn't changed the name yet. Olivia said a quick prayer before she got the car. She really hope she was going to be able to talk to Abby and they can become friends again.

Olivia was in the elevator when she felt a sharp pain. She has been having contractions for a while but the pain she was feeling now wasn't an ordinary contraction. Olivia started to breath in and out.

"Can this Damn thing come on" Olivia said to herself.

Then Olivia felt water on her leg. "No No No No, You're supposed to come in five days." Olivia said.

The doors to the elevator finally opened. She tried to walk but it hurt when she tried to walk.

"HELP!!!!" Olivia yelled.

Quinn, Huck, Abby, and Harrison ran to Olivia.

"Liv what are you..... OH, we need to get you to a hospital." Quinn said.

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