chapter one

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rachel berry is sat on her boyfriend's bed in his dorm room at dalton acadamy which is where their relationship has mostly been spent given their budding love is a secret.

they are watching the arrow on netflixs its friday night and they have been dating for three weeks.

" shall i order a pizza" sebastian asked as the second episode of the arrow ended.

" sounds good" rachel said

only one person other than her dads knew about their relationship and that was trent and he was the reason she had managed to get to sebastian's dorm room without raising any of the fellow dalton boys suspicions.

tonight was a big night though her dads were sick and didnt want rachel to catch it so they had told her to stay at friends but sebastian had asked her to stay with him. though he had told her that it was because he wanted to spend more time with her and that he wasnt expecting anything to happen as he knew she was still a virgin.

sebastian ordered the food and they settled down on the bed to watch the arrow though they began kissing and forgot about the tv.

" im so glad you agreed to stay over" he said tucked some hair behind her ear after they stopped kissing.

" me too" rachel said before they started kissing again they got lost in the kiss and lost track of time until his phone rang indicating that the pizza delivery guy had arrived.

" wont be a moment" sebastian said getting up off the bed and heading out of his dorm.

as rachel waited for him to return she thought over the weirdly wonderful three weeks they had dated for. it all started three weeks ago as yesterday rachel had been to the lima bean ane was heading back to her car coffee in hand when a drunk driver had sped into the parking lot and almost ran her over sebastian had been getting out of his car at the time and had managed to push her out of the way just in other words he had saved her life after that she had been so shook up he had insisted on her been checked out by a doctor. they had spent alot of time together that day and had actually had a laugh together and then the next day sebastian had turned up at her house with a lima bean coffee to see that she was alright.

he had ended up staying a few hours as they laughed and joked with each other and he asked her on a date and that was it the beginging of smytheberry.

sebastian returned with the pizza he was smiling at her not his usual smug smile but his genuine warm smile rachel felt she was the only person to see the real sebastian smythe.

" ok quick question whats more yummy the pizza or me" sebastian asked as he set the pizza down.

" normally there would be no contest but i really im hungry" rachel giggled.

" ouch" he chuckled he knew she was joking.

" ladies first" he said opening the pizza box rachel grabbed a slice.

" you got the only sloce with a decent amount of mushrooms on it" he said picking up a slice himself before sitting down on the bed.

" thats why i picked this slice" rachel said giggling all she seemed to do when she was with him was giggle. just then as she was about to say something he leaned in and tuck a bite of her slice.

" unbelievable " rachel said

" here have a bite of mine" he said rachel tuck a bite of the slice he was holding there was something about the look in his eyes that made her knees go weak.

" see thats the mark of a good relationship sharing" sebastian said

" yeah yeah" rachel said

the night wore on and a horror movie was on rachel hated horror movies but if it meant she was snuggled up to sebastian she was willing to watch them.

"  next week is the daltons darlings annual dance where we dalton boys can invite our girlfriends for an evening of dancing and fun will you go with me" sebastian asked rachel hesitated.

" you hesitated so thats a no then" sebastian said

" seb you know how much trouble i will have if it..." rachel started to say.

" i know you dont have it easy with santana and quinn but their not your friends you shouldn't care what they think" sebastian said

" i know i shouldn't..." rachel started to say.

" but your answer is no so lets leave it" sebastian said

"your mad " rachel said feeling upset.

" lets just what the movie" sebastian said not looking at her.

" seb im sorry i dont want you to be mad at me" rachel said

" leave it rach im not mad i asked  and you answered just leave it" sebastian said rachel felt bad she couldnt focus on th movie anymore.

"seb" rachel said a few minutes later he didnt answer her but he turned to face her.

" i'll go" rachel said

" i dont want you to leave" sebastian said misunderstanding her.

" no i meant the dance i will go with you" rachel said

" are you sure" he asked but the smile on his face told her just how happy he was.

" yes im sure your right i shouldn't care what people think" rachel said

" come here" sebastian said pulling her to him and cuddling her before kissing her.

as rachel found herself once more snuggled up to him she couldnt shake off the feeling that there was going to be trouble ahead. kurt was going to freak out santana was going to make her life more hell than she already did.

however as she laid there she realised no matter what people said to her or about her he had sebastian to take her mind off it.

author notice

hi guys hope you enjoy this story next chapter tonight

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