chapter twenty six

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" im not even sure where to begin seb its quite confusing because you have to understand i didnt know that they were twins" maggie said

" you didnt know " sebastian said

" i met martin when i was fifteen we were with a group of friends we had gone into the woods and lit a bonfire we were all having fun i thought he was the most gorgeous guy i had ever seen. i was agood girl i was bookish i hadnt had much interest in boys until i saw him. i wanted to talk to him but i was too nervous and shy so i didnt i just kept glancing over at him i noticed he was looking back at him for the first time in my life i blushed.a few weeks later it was one of my friends sixteenth birthday and her parents organised a party for her. i was stood talking to my friends when martin came up to me and asked me to dancing i nodded i was too bashful to talk he lead me to the dance floor and we danced we ended up dancing most of the night. at the end of the night before i headed outside to be picked up by your grandad martin pulled me to one side and we kissed he was my first kiss. he asked me if i would go to the dance that the country club was having the following week i agreed. only two days before we were supposed to go he turned up telling me he was going away to school thqt his father wanted him to be cultured and was been sent abroad to school. i was devastated my friends asked me to go to the dance to cheer me up but i was so upset then as i stood there i saw him walking over to me. he smiled at me and held out his hand we danced the night away again and had a more passionate kiss that night. you see seb what i didnt know then was that night wasnt martin it was charles he asked me to join him for a picnic the next day i agreed it was then he told me he was charles not martin i was confused. he said it was him who liked me and that it was him at my friends birthday but i had called him martin as i had met martin at the bonfire. he told me he liked me so much and wanted me to get to know him before he told me he was charles as he thought i liked his brother. its all confusing but the thruth is sebastian it was martin i liked it was martin at my friends party it was your dad who had their father send martin away by telling him he had gotton a girl pregnant which was a complete lie. the fact was chstles was jealous that his brother had met someone and he didn't like it so he tricked me. i was fifteen seb i was naive and young i had no reason to not believe him so charles and i began dating by the time martin came back from abroad we were already engaged i was still completely unaware of what had gone on. i actually cidnt like martin i thought it was wrong of him to look at me like he did given i was engaged to his brother. it wasnt until years later that martin told me the thruth i asked him why he hadnt told me before charles and i got married he said he thought i preffered his brother and he wanted me to be happy. i confronted your dad he told me he loved me and that he thought he was better for me than martin. i was in such a state then i discovered i was having you so i chose to stay i wanted you to grow up unaware of the torment i was feeling. " maggie said

" so dad wanted you because mrtin did" sebastian said

"yes " maggie said

" if you hadnt been pregnant would you have left him for Martin" sebastian asked

" no i mean i how couod i leave my husband for his own twin brother plus seb i was humiliated i was angry at myself for not noticing the differences between them i felt stupid. the you were born and no mattwr what i thoughtbof the two of them i loved you more i wanted you to be happy i didnt want you growing up woth the conflict that would have kicked off had it become known about my feelings for martin" maggie said

" you should be with him" sebastian said

" what" maggie said

"you should be with him you love him after all these years you still love him and he loves you he never got married because of his feelings for you. dont ket dad win by ruining your chance to be happy. i wont bother me if oeople think its weird all that natters is the two of you. forget dad its his own doing for tricking you and stealing you from martin. who cares what his parents think they pkayed a role in it by sending martin away plus i gate them anyway their like dad. " sebastian said

" it was a long time ago martin wont want me after been with your dad" maggie said

" then why did he tell me he loved you less than an hour ago" sebastian said maggie started to cry.

" mom i mean it i grew up knowing you and dad couldnt have been meant for eachbother you didnt deserve the way he treated you. what if martin is your soul mate dad stole eighteen years of your life do t let him steal your future you can still be happy" sebastian said maghie hugged him tightly.

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