chapter five

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sebastian stood glaring at his dad anger rising inside of me he coukdnt believe the man who had hardly ever bothered with him the man who had shipped him off to boarding school as soon s he was old enough had turned up and demanded he end his relationship.

" your mom and i are having dinner tonight at the oak barrel lodge at seven i expect you to be there and this little fling of yours to be over am i understand " his dad said sebastian tjought fir a moment.

"yes sir" sebastian said his dad nodded and left.

sebastian stood in his dorm staying at the door his dad had just left through in utter disbelief he had never gotton along with him but hadnt exactly hated his dad but he did now.

sebastian headed into his ensuite bathroom and took a shower as the water run over his body he knew what he wanted he knew what he needed. he realised in that moment he didnt like rachel he loved her and there was nothing and no one who was going to change that.

so after he finished in the shower he set about getting ready he knew her dads were away again and he knew rachel wouldnt mind him staying over. after all his dad doesnt know where she lives so when he doesnt tutn up for dinner he wont find him.


rachel was singing to herself in the kitchen as she checked the recipe book she had decided to make sebastian dinner though she wondered where he was she tjought he would have been here by now.

as she sang the soundtrack to funny girl while she got to work on dinner she was blissfully unaware of sebastian's turmoil.


as he pulled into rachel's driveway he was torn about whether or not to tell her about his dad on one hand he didnt want to lie to her or keep secrets. he also knew she would be devastated and he knew telling her would hurt her.

as he sat there thr front door opened and rachel appeared in the doorway smiling at him he smiled back she really did make him happy.

" hey my lovely " sebastian said having gotton his over night back out of the car and was now walking to the front door.

" hey" she said blushing slightly.

he placed his bag down on the porch and pulled her to him and they kissed it was a long sensual kiss.

" come in" rachel said after they broke for air

" something smells good " sebastian said shutting the door behind him.

" im making dinner" rachel said sounding pleased with herself.

" smell lovely and so do you" sebastian said

" its my usual perfume " rachel said

" im talking about the fact you have a stick of rosemary stuck in your hair" sebastian said reaching to grab the herb he had noticed. rachel looked embarrassed so he pulled her to him and she cuddled into him.

" no need to be embarrassed my lovely i will most likely have a nice dream about you laid on a huge p,ate cover in rosemary and nothing else" sebastian said she playfully hoved him as her cheeks burned.

" why dont you take you bag upstairs it wont be ready for over an hour" rachel said

" ok my lovely try not to miss me too much i will only be a minute" sebastian said

as sebastian walked into her bedroom he saw she gad placed a pile of dvds by her tv ready for them to watch he sighed. he knew he was going to pay for disobeying his dad and then it hit him like a tonne of bricks. What if his dad desperate to seperate him from rachel sent him away to another boarding school. sent him away from her the reality that he might lose her crushed him.

" seb" rachel called up he had been longer than he thought he had as he had been lost in his thoughts.

" im on my way" he called back.

as it was rachel had made a delicious tofu curry it wasnt too spicy but it was yummy she bad made an apple crumble for desert.

now they were sat cuddled up on the couch watching some lame tv show though niether was really watching it rachel was content bern cuddled by him with her head resting on his chest. sebastian was still thinking about his dad the more he tried to focus on tonight the more he foubd himself getting worked up he hoped rachel didnt notice.

" shall we go watch a dvd in bed" rachel asked

" sounds good " sebastian said

as they git up and rachel set about turning off the lights he tuck their dishes from desert into the kitchen as he placed them in the dishwasher he saw the time on his watch it was now seven o'clock the time he was supposed to meet his parents.

just as his thought that his phone started to ring his dad's face flashed on the screen sebastian switched his phone off.

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