chapter thirty six

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" you go to the house" sebastian said after ending the call with nick which rachel had over heard.

" no dont go there seb" rachel said getting worried.

" its ok but i have to i want this over i want his presence in my life and my moms life over" sebastian said

" but..." rachel started to say.

" rach i will be fine" sebastian said before giving her a quick kiss.

" but martin you saw what he did to martin" rachel said

" they were alone in his office i will be surrounded by people at dalton" sebastian said

" no" rachel said

" i will be home before you know it" sebastian said before running to his car as he pulled out of his parking space he saw rachel pulling out of hers.

sebastian drove to dalton wondering what was about to happen the last he had confronted him at dalton it hadnt ended well but he couldnt send him away this time his passport was safely in the safe at his grandparents.
when sebastian arrived at dalton everything looked peaceful which confused him he even began to wonder if hid dad had left until he spotted his car across the lot.

as sebastian made his way to the entrance trent came running out followed by jeff.

" i told him not to ring you i know you would come" trent said

" where is he" sebastian asked

" warbler room" jeff said sebastian noddee and walked into the school and made his way to the warbler room he saw a large crowd of students and faculty standing by the door.

" excuse me " sebastian said and the students turned saw him and parted letting him through.

" master smythe dont go in tbere we dont want any morr students at risk the police are on there way" the headmaster said.

" you mean he has some students in with him" sebastian asked

" harwood and claringtion " the headmaster said

sebastian tuck a deep breath and walked inside there must be innthe small room off the warbler room the actual room was empty but was a mess books were thrown everywhere a couch was on its side.

sebastian walked over and tried to open the door but it had been locked on tbe inside.

" let me in " sebastian shouted.

" seb leave" he heard thad yell before the door was pulled open and his dad looking crazy was stood before him.

" not as much of a coward as i thought" charles said before sebastian lunged at him and they both fell to the fall.

" seb its not about how many punches it about how good there are" hunter said sebastian hadnt seen thad or hunter he had only focused on his dad. he pulled his arm back and punched his dad winding him.

while his dad rolled around in the floor in agony sebastian turned to see thad with a blooded nose and hunter checking thads arm.

" you guys ok" sebastian asked

" yeah think thad as a dislocated shoulder im trying to hold it so it doesnt hurt so much sorry i didnt join in" hunter said nodding to his dad.

" he got a few good punches in before you got here though" thad said

" your going to pay for that " charles said sitting up.

" oh really" sebastian said

" your just like your mom a stupid no good irritant " charles seethed that did it sebastian grabbed his dad by the shoulders and lifted him up and shoved him against the wall.

" your the stupid no goos irritant ypur too stupid to realise no matter what you do mom belongs to martin she always has and she always will. you dont get it do you even in the unlikely event you break them up she will never be yours always his. like rach and i you can send me anywhere on this earth and i wont stop loving her. i know you stole mom from uncle martin i know you tricked her into loving you oh selish is tbst but also how pathetic couldntyou get a girl of your own. maybe you should realise because your such a bastard you dont have a soulmate because nobidy deserves to have to put up with you. even when martin was in hospital and we didnt know if he was going to make it mom was happier than she was with you. she doesnt love you niether do i you dont love us your not capable of love. love means not putting your hands around your wife's neck because dinner was five minutes late. it means not hitting your six year old son because he couldnt sleep on Christmas eve. your not capable of it and your not capable of been loved either. i never want to see you again i hate you as far as i am concerned i have no father" sebastian said as he could here police sirens.

" you really are a disappointment " charles said

" right back at you" sebastian said as officers entered the room.

" he assaulted me" charles said pointing to sebastian.

" he has a restraining order againt you and you came to his school if he put his hands on you its self defence" and office said handcuffing charles.  paramedics came to treat thad hunter went with him in the ambulance sebastian made his way out of the school.

" mr smythe you are awhere tbat when your father turned up it was evident that you were not here" the headmaster said

" so i guess i have detention " sebastian said

" no but try to stay for every class in future" the headmaster smiled at him.

" thank you" sebastian said

a short time later

he arrived home to find both rachel and his mom pacing on the front porch they both stopped and watched him patk and as he got out of his car rachel was in his arms having ran to him.

" hey" sebastian said before kissing her.

" seb are you ok" maggie said as she ran down the front steps.

" yeah im ok im happy actually i got to say things to him i have been wanting to say" sebastian said as his mom pulled him into a hug.

" the thought of him hurting you" maggie said getting hysterical.

" mom im fine thad has a dislocated shoulder and a bloody nose but apart from that its okay everything is okay" sebastian said

" hello there" lily called from the front door.

" hey grandma " sebastian called back.

" just got a phone call because charles broke the restraining order he is to remain in custody until his trial for assaulting martin" lily said

" so we are free of him" maggie said

" yep lets celebrate " lily said

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