chapter nine

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rachel was still kaid in her bed her dads had arrived home from work whether they knew she hadnt stayed at school she didnt know she didnt care.

they were however trying to cheer her up but nothing worked not the glass of water they brought her when she was sad. not leroys chocolate cake not hirams hot chocolate not leroys pesto pasta. even them singing to her failed now she was just laid there with  overwhelming sadness.

then her bedroom door opened and to her surprise it was kurt and blaine only kurt didnt have his pissed off expression today he looked concerned and so did blaine.

" hey" blaine said

" hey" rachel said

" we heard" kurt said rachel felt another wave of tears prickling her eyes.

" im so sorry" blaine said

" do you want to talk" kurt asked

" no there is no point the gu to make me feel special and beautiful is far away in another country and i might never see him again. whats the point of talking it wont bring him back and thats all i want i want him back" rachel said tears flooding down her cheeks blaine cuddled her.


thad trent and niff were all in thad's dorm room thad was on his computer the other three were exchanging looks wondering what thad was planning.

" right guys gather round what this" thad said the four of them watched as the confrontation between sebastian and his dad innthe dalton parking lot was showing on his computer sceen.

" you filmed it" nick said as it showed charkes shoving sebastian against the car.

" now his dad is a lawyer isnt it so he should know that is classed as assault now seb told me his dad is hoping to i press the soon to retire state attorney for ohio. now i dont know about you guys but i think the current state attorney needs to know just what kind of man charles smythe is"thad said

" yeah and who knows he might even get into trouble for it" jeff said

" exactly " thad said

" do we know who the current attorney is" trent asked

" yeah my grandparents next door neighbour " thad said

" lets do it" nick said.

the next day

rachel was at home her dads had rng mckinley to say she was sick as she was in no fit state to go she hadnt eaten since sebastian had told her he was leaving. she hadnt slept she looked awful her eyes hurt from crying her head hurt from the thoughts whizzing around her heart was broken.

" honey i made breakfast "hiram said carrying a tray into her room

" im not hungry" rachel said

" come on honey sebastian wouldnt want you to not eat would he would be worried about"  hiram said

" he isnt here" rachel said

" i know honey and daddy and i wish we could do something we wish we could heal your heart" hiram said

" i bet you think im stupid given we weret together that long" rachel said

" nonsense love isnt about how long its about who it is and he made you happier than you ever have been daddy and i could see that. " hiram said.

" i miss him" rachel said crying for what felt like the millionth time hiram held her gently rocking her as she cried.


sebastian was sat in the dining hall at school he wa playing with his food unable to eat he hated it here he couldn't stop thinking about her.

" so your back" a guy called Phillip said sebastian had hated him the first time he was here.

" obviously " sebastian replied

" were you expelled " phillip asked

" no i missed you so much i had to come back" sebastian said

" so you did get into trouble then" phillip said

" ok tell me what the hell has my being back here got to do with you" sebastian asked standing up and walking away.

" we are supposed to take our empty plates to the trolley by the door." phillip called after him.

" its not empty" sebastian said

a minute later he was in his dorm after slamming he door closed behind him he threw himself on his bed and tuck out his wallet which had a photo of rachel in it he laid there looking at it. his mind racing with memories but also the fact that he had to get back to her some how.

heartache: a smytheberry storyWhere stories live. Discover now