chapter thirty seven

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sebastian and rachel headed into the house where everyone seemed in the mood to celebrate martin was sat on the couch maggie was now sat by his side and sebastian saw they were holding hands.

" how are you feeling uncle martin "  sebastian asked

" good im doing good how about you" martin said

" im great" sebastian said pulling rachel to him and cuddling her.

" i shall start planning our dinner"  lily said

" no mom i will cook" maggie said

" ok" lily said beaming at her daughter.

" actually im going to go see how thad is" sebastian said

" yeah give him all our best its a shame he got caught up in this" sj said

" shall i come with you" rachel asked

"no you stay here i wont be long" sebastian said

a short while later

sebastian pulled up at westerville general hospital and as it was hunter was stood outside on his phone as sebastian headed to the entrance.

" hey" sebastian said as hunter ended his call.

" hey " hunter said

" how is thad" sebastian asked

" his shoulder has been put back to how it should be and his nose is only and airline fracture so no surgery required. he is waiting for his discharge papers i just phoned his mom to tell her think her and his dad are coming back to town in a couple of days. they are in las vegas at the moment " hunter said

" thank goodness he is ok" sebastian said

" yeah and are you" hunter asked.

" yeah i am especially now i know he will be ok" sebastian said

" come on i will take you to him" hunter said and the two boys walked into the hospital.

when they reached thads cubicle sebastian saw he was sat up with his legs hanging off the side of the trolley bed he was sat on. his nose while swollen and bruising coming up around it he didnt look as bad as sebastian thought he might do.

" hey" sebastian said feeling guilty.

" hey you didnt have to come" thad said

" yes i did my dad targeted you" sebastian said

" not quite" thad said

" i dont understand " sebastian said

" when i heard your dad yelling for you and we couldn't find you we thought you were hiding from him or he had done something to you and was covering his tracks by looking for you. anyway i was pissed off  with him trying to ruin your life all over again so when i saw him i confronted him. i told him it was me who sent to video to mr peyton and that you had nothing to do with that. that pissed him off then i heard people out in the hallway saying you had arrived your dad headed to the door to go confront you and i snapped and lunged at him" thad said

" you did that for me" sebastian asked

" your like my brother" thad said

" thank you" sebastian said

" yeah and i punch him" hunter said

" that was quite a punch" thad said

" yeah i told you smythe it only takes one good one" hunter said

a short while later

sebastian arrived home to be greeted by wonderful smells coming from the kitchen his grandma lily was teaching rachel how to knit. his grandad and martin were talking and kept laughing. then his mom came out of the kitchen humming as she carried a tray with coffees on it and placed it on the coffee table sebastian sw her and martin share a mile before she headed back to the kitchen.

" hey seb" Martin said rchel hadnt seem him arrive but now looked up and got up and walked over to him.

" hey" sebastian said

" is thad alright" rachel asked

" yeah he has been discharged " sebastian said

" thats great news and we have even better but we will wait until your mom is in the room and let her tell you" sj said just as maggie returned to the room.

" mom grandad says you have something to tell me" sebastian asked

" yes while you were out i got a call from my lawyer saying what with all the charges against charles now charles hs decided to focus on them and has said he will agree to the divorce deal my lawyer sent him yesterday." maggie said

" so you mean we really are free of him" sebastian asked

" yes" maggie said sebastian run to her and hugged her.

" i know niether can i" maggie said

later that evening

after a celebratory dinner sebastian and rachel headed up to his room with the door wide open and were now laid on his bed cuddled up.

" its nice to know the bad times are behind us" rachel said

" yeah now its just love love love ahead of us and maybe tomorrow we could sneak off and have sex sex sex" sebastian said

" good job it was me tbat was passing your room them" skylar said appering in the doorway.

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